Africa Vocabulary Terms Question Preview (ID: 57576)
Vocabulary Terms Synonymous With Africa.
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a large area that has a particular environment that has a predictable mixture of plants and animals (e.g., rainforest, grassland, desert)
a) ecoregion
b) transition
c) grassland
d) rainy belt
a group of places and peoples controlled by one powerful government
a) cassava
b) empire
c) matrix
d) millet
the physical environment (e.g.,plants, animals, soils, climate) in a place
a) habitat
b) cassava
c) deficit
d) range
(also known as a climagraph or climograph), a special graph that shows average temperatures and average precipitation for each month at a place
a) equatorial rainforest
b) ecoregion
c) precipitation
d) climate graph
water in the form of rain, snow, sleet or hail that falls on the land
a) transition
b) predator
c) precipitation
d) rainy belt
(on that especial climate graph)...more than enough rain to meet the needs of particular plants (e.g., enough rainfall each month for trees to grow in a place)
a) surplus
b) deficit
c) desert
d) savanna
places that receive moderate amounts of rainfall so that both short trees and tall grasses can grow there; located about 5 to 15 degrees north and south of the Equator
a) grassland
b) savanna
c) surplus
d) malaria
change as we move along a line between two places; transition can be gradual, abrupt, smooth, etc.
a) ecoregion
b) transition
c) rainy belt
d) precipitation
places with tall trees, warm temperatures in all months, and rainfall during at least 10 months; located about 0 to 5 degrees north and south of the Equator
a) savanna
b) spatial association
c) equatorial rainforest
d) grassland
dry places that receive little rainfall,have no trees, have few or no plants; tropical deserts are located about 20 to 30 degrees north and south of the Equator
a) savanna
b) malaria
c) desert
d) deficit
places where most plants are short (e.g., short grasses, not trees) because they need only small amounts of water; tropical grasslands are located about 15 to 20 degrees north and south of the Equator
a) rainy belt
b) savanna
c) transition
d) grassland
the relationship between two things that usually occur together in the same place (e.g., rainforest and a warm, wet climate)
a) spatial association
b) transition
c) malaria
d) equatorial rainforest
places near the Equator that receive more than 4 inches of rain in most months of the year
a) rainforest
b) grassland
c) rainy belt
d) transition
(on the special climate graph)...lack of rain to meet the needs of plants (e.g., the difference between the rain that trees need and the amount that actually falls in a month)
a) deficit
b) surplus
c) habitat
d) desert
a disease that occurs in places that are warm and have rainfall during most of the year; spread by mosquitos
a) cassava
b) matrix
c) savanna
d) malaria
a chart with rows and columns that help us organize information
a) millet
b) matrix
c) malaria
d) empire
an animal that hunts and eats other animals
a) malaria
b) precipitation
c) transition
d) predator
a type of starchy root that grows in places near the equator; used for food
a) malaria
b) habitat
c) cassava
d) empire
the areas where a particular type of plant or animal is likely to live
a) matrix
b) habitat
c) crops
d) range
plants that people grow to use for food (e.g., corn, millet, apples, beans)
a) surplus
b) range
c) millet
d) crops
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