A Long Walk To Water Chapter 12-13 Question Preview (ID: 57574)

Chapter 12-13 Novel Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The drilling crew was discouraged by the leaks. Discouraged means?
a) To cool off or chill
b) To hinder or slow down
c) Inspire or encourage
d) Made cowardly

The rain, which was falling in torrents, added to the uproar. Torrents mean?
a) A flowing current
b) A light drizzle
c) A downpour
d) Trickling down

They told him that the Ethiopian government was near collapse. Collapse means?
a) A sudden failure of an institution
b) A physical or mental breakdown
c) To pass or fallout from exhaustion
d) Broke or financially ruined

It was as if the people ceased to be people and instead became an enormous herd of panicked, stampeding two-legged creatures. Stampeding means?
a) Move rapidly in masses
b) A flight of frightened animals
c) An extended festival with rodeos, exhibitions, and contests
d) To stomp

They are going to close the camp. Everyone will have to leave. The rumors skittered around the camp. Skittered means?
a) To move slowly as if you are injured
b) An article of clothing
c) To move quickly
d) Attempt to avoid or ignore

The boss would encourage the workers and laugh and joke with him. If that didn’t work, he would talk to them earnestly and try to persuade them. Earnestly means?
a) To curse or berate
b) To yell or shout
c) To lie or mislead
d) Intensely and seriously

Every group had stories of terrible peril: boys who had been hurt or killed by bullets or bombs, attacked by wild animals, or left behind because they were too weak or sick to keep up. Peril means?
a) serious and immediate danger
b) illness or sickness
c) lousy parents or caregivers
d) nightmares

Those smallest boys reminded Salva of his brother Kuol. But then he had an astounding thought. Kuol isn’t that age anymore-he is a teenager now. Astounding means?
a) extremely surprised
b) Scary
c) Marvelous
d) Recurring

They were traveling through a part of Sudan still plagued by war. The fighting and bombing were worst during the day. Plagued means?
a) Infection
b) Decayed
c) Troubled
d) Hungry

As Salva crouched on the bank and watched, a young man near him plunged into the water. Plunged means?
a) walk
b) crawl
c) dive
d) slip

The soldiers were forcing some of them into the water, prodding them with their rifle butts, shooting into the air. Prodding means?
a) Guiding
b) Helping
c) Angering
d) Poking

Perhaps he was screaming, but Salva could not hear him over the din of the crowd and the rain...A moment later, the man was pulled under. Din means?
a) Chants
b) Quiet sounds
c) Loud noise
d) Low noise

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