Decision Boss: Round 3 Question Preview (ID: 57555)

Let's Knock Out The Decision Boss In This Third Round! TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

_____ sets a cutoff value for the most important attribute, keeps the products that meet that cutoff value, compares them on the next most important attribute, until one product remains
a) elimination by aspects
b) elimunation by aspects
c) lexicographic
d) lexicagraphic

Partially compensatory strategy refers to when consumers will do more comparison between different products instead of ...
a) all of the answer choices
b) immediately discarding a product based on negative features
c) purchasing a product anyway because of positive features
d) making a decision right away whether to purchase or not

Which of the following is NOT a step in the process of elimination by aspects?
a) All the answer choices are part of the process
b) Making a list of criteria and ranking them in terms of importance
c) Creating cutoff values for the criteria
d) Evaluating products or decisions according to the importance of the criteria

Which of the followign is NOT a step in the process of majority of conforming dimensions?
a) The winner is pitted against the prototypical product for the final comparison.
b) Two competing products are compared acros all attributes.
c) The winner of the pair is compared with another product across all attributes.
d) Whichever product has the highest values across the most attriutes overall wins.

Which of the following is NOT part of frequency of good and bad features?
a) ignoring the negative attributes and focusing only on the positive attributes
b) making a list of desirable and undesirable attributes of different brands
c) totaling up the positive and negative attributes of each brand
d) choosing to buy the product that has the highest positive difference

Involvement theory suggests that how much time and cognitive effort a person spends on a decision directly depends on _____ the decision is to that person.
a) how much risk, importance, and emotional impact
b) how much risk and importance
c) emotional impact
d) none of the answer choices

Making a decision based on the answer or information that most easily comes to mind.
a) availability heuristic
b) representativeness heuristic
c) confirmation bias
d) anchoring bias

Using prototypes to act as the baseline for judgement and comparison.
a) representativeness heuristic
b) availability heuristic
c) confirmation bias
d) anchoring bias

The neural circuits of this brain region will be activated when the consumer is being presented with a product that they are interested in purchasing.
a) NAcc
c) insula
d) none of the answer choices

A brain region that gets deactivated when a person becomes disinterested after seeing the price of an item
b) NAcc
c) insula
d) none of the answer choices

A brain region that becomes activated when seeing the excessive price of a product
a) insula
b) NAcc
d) none of the answer choices

Which of the following was NOT part of how choice blindness was operationalized in Hall et al?
a) SSRI bipolarity detection
b) concurrent detection
c) retrospective detection
d) sensory-change detection

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