Decision Boss: Round 2 Question Preview (ID: 57554)

Let's Knock Out The Decision Boss In This Second Round! TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following is NOT a keyword/phrase from Hall et al?
a) Heuristical blindness
b) Choice blindness
c) Jam and tea
d) taste and smell test

Which of the following is NOT a keyword/phrase from Braun-LaTour et al?
a) Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse
b) post-experience advertising
c) Bugs Bunny
d) Bugs detectors

“Bugs Says It’s Time to Remember the _____”
a) Magic
b) Disney show
c) childhood memory
d) Disneyland experience

When a consumer decides to buy a product that is good enough.
a) Satisficing model
b) Utility model
c) Prospect model
d) Partially compensatory strategy

Involvement theory suggests that cognitive effort will be ... when buying a house and ... when buying grocery.
a) ... high ... low
b) ... low ... high
c) ... expensive ... cheap
d) ... cheap ... expensive

... is a cognitive bias causing us to rely heavily on the first piece of information that's been given to us.
a) anchoring bias
b) achoring bias
c) confirmation bias
d) confirmation effect

... refers to when people do not notice that they are given something they don't ask for
a) choice blindness
b) choose blindness
c) chose blindness
d) chocie blindness

As one of the 2 main elements of the prospect theory, value suggests that _____.
a) all of the answer choices
b) people view gains and losses in different ways
c) people prefer to see things in terms of gains
d) people tend to be afraid of losses

The utility model suggests that _____.
a) people make decisions that can bring them the highest satisfaction
b) people make irrational evaluation of the outcome before making decisions
c) people are happy with good enough decisions
d) people make decisions based on maximize and suffice

This refers to the different brain regions and their activation level that can help foretell a person's buying decisions
a) neural predictors of purchases
b) selling anchors
c) pre-cognitive decisions
d) Knutson et al

This refers the reference price points that retailers make to influence consumer's purchasing decisions by basing their initial judgements on these reference/starting prices.
a) selling anchors
b) multiple-unit pricing
c) purchase-quantity limits
d) non-compensatory strategies

post-experience advertising ...
a) both a) and b)
b) a) refers to when advertisers create ads to confuse consumers, making them unsure of their own memories
c) b) aim to change their negative memories about the product into positive ones
d) neither a) nor b)

Bugs Bunny and Bugs detectors were used by Braun-LaTour et al in an ad about Disneyland, in order to create a false memory.

Participants of the Braun-LaTour et al study who realized the character in the Disney ad was actually from Warner Brothers
a) Bugs detectors
b) Bug detectors
c) Bugs defectors
d) Bug defectors

In the ____ of the second study of Braun La-Tour et al., participants would see a Disney with Bugs Bunny sitting on a chair with a castle behind him.
a) pictorial condition
b) verbal condition
c) both pictorial and verbal conditions
d) neither pictorial nor verbal condition

thinking fast is _____ whereas thinking slow is _____
a) System 1, System 2
b) System 2, System 1
c) both systems
d) neither system

If one feature is not qualified enough, no matter how good the other features are, the consumer will automatically not buy the product
a) non-compensatory
b) partially compensatory
c) un-compensatory
d) compensatory

The product that performs the best on the most important attribute is selected
a) lexicographic
b) non-compensatory
c) majority of conforming dimensions
d) confirmation bias

Endowment effect suggests that people _____.
a) value something they own more than an identical item they don't own
b) value something they don't own more than an identical item they own
c) think of the items they own in terms of gains
d) think of the items they own in terms of losses

majority of conforming decisions and frequency of good and bad features are _____.
a) partially compensatory
b) compensatory
c) non-compensatory
d) partilly compensatory

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