5th Vocab #1 Question Preview (ID: 57538)

Vocab #1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

to make familiar, usual, used to
a) jostle
b) accustom
c) assign
d) distract

watchful; wide awake; warning signal
a) alert
b) burly
c) retire
d) patient

to select for a position, give out as work to be done
a) assign
b) concept
c) pedestrian
d) obedient

move or shift
a) companion
b) compatible
c) budge
d) burly

big and strongly built
a) obstacle
b) concept
c) burly
d) distract

one who spends time with or does things with another
a) pedestrian
b) concept
c) jostle
d) companion

getting along well together
a) compatible
b) burly
c) accustom
d) distract

A general idea or thought about something
a) obstacle
b) pedestrian
c) concept
d) patient

draw someone's attention away from something
a) distract
b) jostle
c) burly
d) assign

to push or shove
a) obstacle
b) jostle
c) budge
d) concept

Doing what one is asked or told
a) pedestrian
b) accustom
c) obedient
d) patient

something that gets in the way
a) burly
b) retire
c) obstacle
d) companion

willing to wait without complaining; person in doctor's care
a) patient
b) pedestrian
c) distract
d) companion

a person who walks across the street on foot
a) retire
b) pedestrian
c) companion
d) compatible

To stop working because one has reached a certain age; go to bed
a) compatible
b) distract
c) patient
d) retire

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