ED5123 Diverse Learners Review Question Preview (ID: 57535)

Assessments For Graduate Class ED5123 Diverse Learners. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Students, subject matter, and sources of delivery are points of consideration for teachers engaging in what form of instruction (M5)?
a) Equity pedagogy
b) Differentiated instruction
c) Culturally responsive teaching
d) Theories of multiculturalism versus diversity

The greatest way to improve and foster academic growth within oneself is to:
a) Read all professor grading comments, but refuse to follow-through on following them, then make the same errors again
b) Do not read any professor grading comments, nor any announcements
c) Read all professor grading comments and follow-through on making the necessary changes in the future
d) I am not sure how to improve from past mistakes...

As cited in the presentations, Banks (2001) defines ____ as instruction that provides all students with an equal opportunity to attain academic and social success in school (M5).
a) culturally responsive teaching
b) culturally relevant pedagogy
c) differentiated instruction
d) equity pedagogy

Chavez Elementary School has decided to improve its policies and practices related to diversity as a way to create effective spaces that impact student academic achievement. What factors should Chavez consider (M5)?
a) Student behavior, intergroup relations, school governance and organization, and assessment
b) Student performance on standardized tests, closure of achievement gaps, organization, and multiple assessmenet strategies
c) Social/emotional needs of faculty members and students, ethnicities and cultural backgrounds of faculty and staff
d) Student learning styles, social/emotional student needs, culturally relevant/responsive curriculum, insights of parents

According to King and Gurian, impulsivity, single-task focus, spatial-kinesthetic learning, and physical aggression are ___ boys bring to the learning environment (M4).
a) problem areas
b) negative forces
c) natural assets
d) It is possible, two of these are correct, but not sure about that.

A team of high school science teachers has decided to design its own rubric for the evaluation of students’ performance assessments. In designing the rubrics, the teachers should anticipate (M3):
a) few or no challenges since rubric design is easy
b) potential bias since definitions of excellence may be subjective
c) Who knows? Why is Dr. Mapp making us take this quiz?
d) determination of identical performance measures for all students being evaluated

Which of the 4 Rs has little to do with learning curricula but contributes significantly to students’ sense of stability and order (M4)?
a) Rituals
b) Repetition
c) Replication
d) Routines

When assessments, such as portfolios and journals, are described as promoting “authentic” student learning, the term is referencing (M3):
a) performance on standardized tests
b) real-world application
c) basic knowledge and skills
d) All of these are suitable

According to the presentations, Gorski would link schools’ struggles with student achievement with (M1):
a) unqualified teachers
b) disinterested parents
c) inadequate resources
d) undisciplined students

Over 95% of students in a school receive free or reduced lunch. Many students are not performing well academically and are often truant. To begin turning around student achievement, both school and teacher leaders should first (M2):
a) Begin an intensive grant-writing project to locate and obtain resources to hire consultants.
b) None of these approaches will suffice.
c) Analyze current data about their school and compare the data to how students are performing over time.
d) Inventory current school resources to determine outdated items, invest necessary funding in replacing them immediately.

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