Current World Events Review II Question Preview (ID: 57522)

This Review Covers Current World Events For The Fall Of 2021. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

North Korea's economy is...
a) a Market Economy.
b) Centrally Planned.
c) very innovative and robust.
d) a Representative Republic.

Which countries have sided with Syria in their Civil War
a) Russia and Turkey
b) US and Turkey
c) Iran and Russia
d) ISIS and Russia

China is ruled by...
a) Fidel Castro
b) the Ayatollah
c) the Communist Party
d) Bashar al-Assad

This country is an island nation:
a) Russia
b) Venezuela
c) Hispaniola
d) Cuba

The borders in the Middle East
a) occur along natural boundaries
b) keep conflicts from arising
c) were drawn in the 1990's.
d) are artificial/man-made

This country gained its independence from France
a) Cuba
b) Haiti
c) Venezuela
d) North Korea

Russia is...
a) a Theocracy.
b) a strong ally of the United States.
c) an island nation.
d) the world's largest country by landmass.

This country is bordered by China, Russia, and across the Sea of japan from Japan
a) North Korea
b) China
c) Syria
d) Venezuela

An economy that is controlled by the government is...
a) a market economy
b) a centrally planned/command economy
c) a representative economy
d) a theocratic economy

This country is located about 90 miles off the Florida Keys
a) Haiti
b) Venezuela
c) Syria
d) Cuba

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