Interpersonal Communication And Relationships For First Graders! Question Preview (ID: 57511)

This Test Will Help Students Test Their Knowledge On Bullying, Teasing, Common Terms For People, Sharing And Being Approached By Strangers. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When a stranger comes up to you and asks you to come with them what do you do?
a) If you and your family does not know them say no and walk away
b) Say okay!
c) Stand there and say nothing
d) Offer them money

Why is it good to share?
a) Because the person you share with will pay you
b) Because you could make a friend and it is the right thing to do
c) Never share
d) It's mean to share

When someone is pushing another student in class what is this?
a) Bullying
b) Having fun
c) Playing around
d) Sharing

If you hear a classmate telling another student they are dumb and stupid what do you do?
a) Tell a teacher or try to stop the situation (or both)
b) Run away
c) Call the police
d) Nothing just watch

If two people both have brown hair what is a saying to describe them both?
a) They are cool
b) They have something in common!
c) There weird
d) They both have brown hair

If someone you don't know offers you food what do you say?
a) No thank you
b) Yes I'll take it

How is one way to know someone is a stranger to you
a) No way of knowing
b) They smell bad
c) Your family and you don't know them

Reasons to share?
a) There isn't a reason
b) You can steal whatever it is back from them
c) Everyone deserves to try what you are using as well
d) You can control the person

If someone has something you don't see often they are...
a) Silly
b) Cool
c) Weird
d) Unique

If someone is making fun of the way someone looks is that bullying?
a) Yes
b) No

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