Science Quiz Question Preview (ID: 57490)

The Are Some Questions Few About The Earth The Standard Is 3.E.1 Recognize The Major Components And Patterns Observed In The Earth/moon/sun System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the greenhouse effect?
a) Gases are trapped in the Earth's atmosphere and warm Earth
b) Gases are trapped in the atmosphere and cool Earth
c) The moon cools Earth
d) the ocean heats the earth

The moon casts a shadow on the earth during the....
a) Solar Eclipse
b) lunar eclipse
c) New Moon
d) Half moon

Which planet in our solar system has the shortest day?
a) mars
b) Jupiter
c) anus
d) pluto

in what months are the North Pole and South Pole equal distance from the Sun?
a) march and September
b) June and July
c) November august
d) June September

How did Earth and other planets form?
a) the big bang
b) Earth formed when gravity pulled swirling gas and dust
c) just appeared
d) gravity

What causes tides
a) Giant schools of fish
b) Underwater volcanoes
c) Gravitational pull of the moon and sun
d) Poseiden

What planet has the longest day in our solar system?
a) Jupiter
b) venus
c) mars
d) pluto

How long does it take the Earth to complete one rotation?
a) 100 days
b) 1 year
c) 15 hours
d) 24 hours

what is the name for the fixed path by which the Earth moves around the sun?
a) Orbit
b) rotation
c) movement
d) gravitational pull

what is the Spinning motion of earth called
a) rotation
b) orbit
c) revolution
d) double axis

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