China Review Question Preview (ID: 57460)

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What did feudal nobles owe to the king in exchange for control of their regions?
a) Loyalty Military Service
b) Rent Food
c) Livestock Tribute
d) Devotion Religion

In China, a king whose people suffered natural disasters as they would be seen as displeasing who?
a) The gods
b) the people
c) Shange Di
d) Ancestral Spirits

What is the nickname for the Yellow River?
a) “China’s Sorrow”
b) “China’s Blessing”
c) “China’s Misery”
d) “China’s Hope”

What percent of China is suitable to farming?
a) 10%
b) 20%
c) 30%
d) 50%

Who did the Chinese believed had the power to bring good fortune or disaster to living members of the family?
a) Shang Di
b) Feudal Lords
c) The gods
d) Ancestors

On which continent is the Haung He Valley located?
a) Aisa
b) Europe
c) Africa
d) South America

Which of the following did our notes say helped to unify a large and diverse land of the Yellow River Valley, and made control much easier?
a) Ancestor Worship
b) Writing
c) Oracle Bones
d) Spoken Language

Which river valley civilization used the concept of Ma’at as the basis for their laws?
a) Tigris
b) Indus
c) Huang He
d) Nile

Which river valley civilization’s original writing system is still undeciphered?
a) Nile
b) Huang He
c) Indus
d) Tigris

___________ enacted a feudal system, a system in which duties are tied to land ownership, with sharp class divisions based on clan birthright in the Huang He River Valley.
a) Zhou
b) Xia
c) Ming
d) Qin

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