INVASION FROM MARS Question Preview (ID: 57448)

VOCAB WORDS AND DEFINITIONS. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

changed as a result of making contact with something else
a) reacted
b) indescribable
c) convey
d) daring

frightened and surprised
a) alarmed
b) indescribable
c) luminous
d) daring

to communicate
a) convey
b) awe
c) fade
d) indescribable

adventurous and unafraid
a) daring
b) reacted
c) alarmed
d) luminous

brightly lit
a) luminous
b) reacted
c) alarmed
d) awe

discussing with others
a) conferring
b) daring
c) fade
d) awe

very unusual; remarkable
a) extraordinary
b) fade
c) luminous
d) indescribable

to lose brightness or color
a) fade
b) indescribable
c) awe
d) alarmed

a sense of wonder
a) awe
b) reacted
c) alarmed
d) fade

hard to describe
a) indescribable
b) reacted
c) alarmed awe
d) indescribable

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