Qualitative Vs Quantitative Game Question Preview (ID: 57447)

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In qualitative research, data are collected and analyzed from...
a) Participants' spoken or written words or through documented observations.
b) Standardized surveys that pair words with numerical equivalents (1=never, 2 =sometimes, 3=always).
c) Experiments.
d) Observations that systematically document amount, frequency, or duration of an event.

Making interpretations from Qualitative Data involves...
a) Discovering meaning behind data, recognizing patterns and devious cases, uncovering new knowledge as data are re-analyzed
b) Applying statistical tests to the data.
c) Interpreting the statistical outcomes.
d) Checking the results against the hypothesis.

Qualitative design is...
a) Flexible, specified only in general terms, non-intervention based, descriptive in nature
b) Structured, inflexible, and specified in detail.
c) Intervention-based.
d) Used to manipulate the independent variable to effect the dependent variable.

Phenomenology is a type of qualitative research method to...
a) Study of the commonality of subjective, lived-experiences of people from their first-hand experiences using interviews
b) Study people and culture within their own environment using observation and face-to-face interviewing techniques
c) Use a systematic and inductive approach to collecting and analyzing data in order to discover or construct a new theory
d) Conduct an in-depth investigation of single case. The case can be from an individual, a group, or an event

Grounded Theory is a type of qualitative research method to...
a) Use a systematic and inductive approach to collecting and analyzing data in order to discover or construct a new theory
b) Study of the commonality of subjective, lived-experiences of people from their first-hand experiences using interviews
c) Study people and culture within their own environment using observation and face-to-face interviewing techniques
d) Conduct an in-depth investigation of single case. The case can be from an individual, a group, or an event

Ethnography is a type of qualitative research method to...
a) Study people and culture within their own environment using observation and face-to-face interviewing techniques
b) Study of the commonality of subjective, lived-experiences of people from their first-hand experiences using interviews
c) Use a systematic and inductive approach to collecting and analyzing data in order to discover or construct a new theory
d) Conduct an in-depth investigation of single case. The case can be from an individual, a group, or an event

Qualitative data analysis involves...
a) Ongoing analysis of words, comparison of answers among all participants, finding patterns and meanings behind the words
b) Analysis of the data only at the end of the study.
c) Using statistics to interpret results.
d) Hypothesis checking.

A Case Study is a type of qualitative research method to...
a) Conduct an in-depth investigation of single case. The case can be from an individual, a group, or an event
b) Use a systematic and inductive approach to collecting and analyzing data in order to discover or construct a new theory
c) Study people and culture within their own environment using observation and face-to-face interviewing techniques
d) Study of the commonality of subjective, lived-experiences of people from their first-hand experiences using interviews

Qualitative data collection strategies involve...
a) Documenting observations, interviews with participants, focus groups , field notes, and interpretation of text.
b) Documenting the frequency and duration of observations.
c) The use of statistical procedures to interpret test results.
d) Using surveys or interventions to test variables.

Qualitative results are reported by using...
a) The subjective experiences of the participant or through observations.
b) Through statistical analysis.
c) Bar charts, histograms, and mean, median, and mode.
d) Numbers instead of words.

The research setting in qualitative research is...
a) Less controlled of an environment. Taking place in natural or real-life settings.
b) As controlled as possible to ensure their are no additional, unforeseen (extraneous) variables affecting the outcomes
c) Set up to conduct experiments to test variables.
d) Set up to test hypotheses.

In qualitative research, sampling (or how we choose our participants) is done using...
a) Small, convenient or purposive samples. Selectively chosen to provide in-depth information on a phenomenon of interest.
b) Random sampling. Participants are selected completely at random.
c) Large samples in order to generalize findings to the population.
d) Random Group Assignment. Participants are randomly assigned to treatment or control group.

What is Qualitative Research?
a) Research that explores the meaning of phenomena.
b) Research that measures amounts, frequencies, and degrees of phenomena.
c) Research that tests a hypothesis.
d) Research that studies cause and effect relationships.

Qualitative concepts are...
a) Identified after analyzing interview/observation data, grouping similar data, and then identifying concepts.
b) Operationalized into their numerical equivalents in order to quantify them.
c) Used to provide measurable descriptions for variables (Such as increased, decreased, large, small).
d) Used to understand relationships between variables.

Qualitative analysis of data involve...
a) Themes constructed out of participants' interviews or from observations.
b) Analysis through numerical comparisons and statistical inferences.
c) Measuring amounts, frequencies, degrees, and duration of data.
d) Testing hypotheses.

Qualitative data collection involves...
a) Data that are collected through participant observation and interviews.
b) Data that are collected through measuring (counting) things.
c) Data that use statistical procedures.
d) Data that are quantifiable in nature.

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