Genetics And Heredity Question Preview (ID: 57439)

5th Grade NC Science. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A bear cub has brown fur, likes to play with his siblings, hibernates in the winter and learned to catch his fish from his mother. What did he MOST LIKELY inherit from his mom?
a) Fur color
b) Playing with sibling
c) Hibernating in the winter
d) Learning to catch fish

Monkeys can learn sign language. This is an example of...
a) A learned behavior
b) Instinct
c) An inherited behavior
d) A physical trait

Which is an example of an instinct behavior?
a) A dog learning to sit
b) A dolphin learning to flip in the water
c) A horse following the commands like giddy-up
d) A baby bird opening its mouth when the mother brings it food

Which is an example of an acquired trait?
a) A scar
b) Eye color
c) Height
d) Skin color

What is an example of an inherited trait?
a) Eye color
b) A sunburn
c) Sports ability
d) Favorite color

Which is an example of a learned behavior?
a) Getting a scar after falling off a bike
b) A baby bird flying for the first time
c) Coloring your hair
d) A baby crying when s/he is hungry

Why do children resemble their parents?
a) They share DNA
b) They live in the same place
c) They eat the same food
d) They learn from each other

Jasmine has brown eyes like her dad. Both of them hate broccoli. Which statement is correct?
a) Both eye color and food preference are inherited traits
b) Both eye color and food preference are learned behaviors
c) Food preference was inherited from her dad and eye color was learned
d) Eye color was inherited from her dad and food preference was learned

How can rabbits' fur be explained?
a) The fur was lightened or darkened from exposure to the sun
b) The fur color was inherited from its parents
c) The fur is dependent upon the food that it eats
d) The fur was chosen by the parents before the bunny was born

Which could cause a bear cub to look different from its parents?
a) A change in food source
b) A change in ecosystem
c) A change in DNA
d) A change in the amount of sleep they get

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