Spanish Telling Time Question Preview (ID: 57437)

Practice Telling Time In Spanish. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Son las seis menos cinco.
a) It's 5:55.
b) It's 6:05.
c) It's 6:06.
d) It's 5:45.

Son las cinco y media.
a) It's 5:30.
b) It's 5:00.
c) It's 5:15.
d) It's 4:45.

Son las seis menos cuarto.
a) It's 6:15.
b) It's 5:56.
c) It's 5:45.
d) It's 6:30.

Son las cuatro.
a) It's 4:00.
b) It's 4:30.
c) It's 5:00.
d) It's 5:04.

Son las cinco.
a) It's 1:05.
b) It's 5:01.
c) It's 5:55.
d) It's 5:00.

Son las cinco y cuarto.
a) It's 5:04.
b) It's 5:15.
c) It's 5:40.
d) It's 4:00.

Son las tres.
a) It's 1:00.
b) It's 3:33.
c) It's 3:03.
d) It's 3:00.

Son las dos.
a) It's 1:00.
b) It's 1:02.
c) It's 2:00.
d) It's 2:02.

Es la una.
a) It's 1:00.
b) It's 1:30.
c) It's 1:45.
d) It's 2:00.

¿Qué hora es?
a) What time is it?
b) How many hours until...?
c) When are we leaving?
d) What is the date today?

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