Context Clues Question Preview (ID: 57420)

Students Will Context Clues To Determine The Meaning Of Unfamiliar Words. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The movie star’s large and beautiful home was palatial. What does the word palatial mean?
a) ugly
b) tiny
c) for dog
d) like a palace

At the restaurant we were offered a variety of beverages, like milk and ice tea. What does the word beverages mean in the sentence?
a) bread
b) silverware
c) drinks
d) menus

Slavery was abolished in the U.S. after the Civil War. What does the word abolish mean in the sentence?
a) outlawed
b) exchanged
c) running
d) common

Pedestrians should look both ways before crossing the street. What does the word pedestrian mean in the sentence?
a) crosswalk
b) walkers
c) stoplights
d) parrots

When I fell off the trampoline, I fractured my arm and wore a cast. What does the word fractured mean in the sentence?
a) rested
b) broke
c) avoided
d) looked at

The class decided to exhibit the science project during Parents’ Night. What does the word exhibit mean in the sentence?
a) lose
b) eat
c) trade
d) show

The frigid water made Elizabeth’s teeth chatter. What does the word frigid mean in the sentence?
a) cold
b) clean
c) green
d) warm

Typewriters became obsolete with the development of personal computers. What does the word obsolete mean in the sentence?
a) popular
b) out-dated
c) careful
d) ound

His mother gets anxious if he stays outside after dark. What does the word anxious mean in the sentence?
a) nervous
b) silly
c) happy
d) sleepy

After the rainstorm, the rainbow lit up the sky with vivid colors. What does the word vivid mean in the sentence?
a) dark
b) funny
c) bright
d) normal

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