Life Cycles Review 2.4 #1 Question Preview (ID: 57401)

Science 2.4 - VA Standards. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What lists all ways for seeds to spread (disperse)?
a) precipitation
b) wind and other animals
c) wind, water, animal and human activity
d) other animals

Plants need ___ to grow flowers.
a) stems
b) roots
c) insects
d) clouds

On a pumpkin, what will grow next after the leaves and vines grow?
a) pumpkin
b) vines
c) roots
d) flowers

What part is inside each piece of fruit to help it grow more fruit?
a) seeds
b) stalk
c) stem
d) flesh

How is a white tailed deer like a human?
a) they both change forms drastically
b) they both do not change form during their life cycle
c) they both live in the woods
d) they both have tails

At the end of their life cycles, flowering plants _____.
a) produce flowers
b) make more seeds
c) sprout again
d) die

Which animal does not look like its parents when its born? *Look at picture*

a) dog
b) bird
c) butterfly
d) donkey

For insects, what stage is it the primary focus to eat?
a) larva
b) pupa
c) adult
d) egg

What stage is not shown in the Grain Beetle Life Cycle? *Look at the picture*

a) egg
b) pupa
c) beetle
d) insect

What stage is not shown in the Grain Beetle Life Cycle? *Look at the picture*

a) pupa
b) larva
c) beetle
d) egg

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