Types Of Air Pollution Question Preview (ID: 574)

Glenco. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following pollutants would be considered a primary pollutant?
a) acid rain
b) nitrogen oxide
c) ozone
d) smoke

All of the following are examples of secondary pollutants EXCEPT __________.
a) volcanic ash
b) sulfuric acid
c) nitric acid
d) ozone

Los Angeles, California, experiences greater levels of smog than other areas due to all of the following EXCEPT__________.
a) it is surrounded by mountains
b) it has long hours of sunlight
c) winds get trapped
d) it is near the Pacific Ocean

An example of coarse particulate matter would be __________.
a) vehicle exhaust
b) smoke from fires
c) industrial smoke
d) dust from unpaved roads

Wind is responsible for transporting __________ over long distances.
a) acid rain
b) sand
c) ozone
d) car exhaust

Chlorofluorocarbons were thought to be wonder chemicals for all of the following reasons EXCEPT __________.
a) they don't burn
b) they are easy to manufacture
c) they are not toxic
d) they don't last long

Which gas is harmful on Earth's surface, yet helps protect life Earth when located high in the atmosphere?
a) ozone
b) carbon monoxide
c) chlorine
d) oxygen

__________ molecules are thought to be responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer.
a) Ozone
b) Chlorofluorocarbon
c) Carbon monoxide
d) Nitric acid

__________ forms when certain secondary pollutants are combined with sunlight.
a) Carbon monoxide
b) Nitric acid
c) Photochemical smog
d) Sulfur dioxide

What is responsible for most of the brown haze, or smog, that you see near cities
a) secondary pollutants
b) primary pollutants
c) photochemical dirt
d) Mr. Thomas' dirty shoes

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