A TRULY BEAUTIFUL MIND Question Preview (ID: 57373)

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When did Einstein get divorced?
a) (i) 1911
b) (ii) 1919
c) (iii) 1905
d) (iv) 1903

When did Einstein publish his General Theory of Relativity?
a) (i) 1919
b) (ii) 1918
c) (iii) 1915
d) (iv) 1920

What was the name of the American President to whom Einstein wrote a letter to?
a) (i) George W Bush
b) (ii) Nelson Mandela
c) (iii) Barack Obama
d) (iv) Franklin D Roosevelt

In which subject did Einstein receive Nobel Prize?
a) (i) Physics
b) (ii) Mathematics
c) (iii) Chemistry
d) (iv) Literature

Einstein was deeply shaken due to the destruction caused by
a) (i) World war
b) (ii) Atomic Bomb explosion in Japanese cities
c) (iii) Political turmoil
d) (iv) Terror attacks in America

At what age did Einstein pass away?
a) (i) 77
b) (ii) 76
c) (iii) 76
d) (iv) 78

Einstein’s mother was bothered by the intelligence of
a) (i) Mileva
b) (ii) Einstein
c) (iii) Elsa
d) (iv) Margie

What kind of mustache Einstein had as a young man?
a) (i) Like a walrus
b) (ii) Thick
c) (iii) Bushy
d) (iv) White

Einstein decided to study at a university in
a) (i) Milan
b) (ii) Munich
c) iii) Zurich
d) (iv) Ulm

Both Einstein and his beloved worked on
a) (i) Gravity
b) (ii) Laws of Motion
c) (iii) Relativity
d) (iv) Thermal conductance

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