Mit/Mis Review Question Preview (ID: 57370)

Review Of Root Word Mit/mis. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which word means - to send away; to cause someone to leave abruptly; to consider someone or something unimportant?
a) dismiss
b) mission
c) omit
d) submit

Which word means - a specific task given to a person or group; an important assignment, often involving travel?
a) transmit
b) submit
c) omit
d) mission

Which word means - to leave out or exclude a person or item?
a) mission
b) omit
c) submit
d) transmit

Which word means - to present (a proposal or other document) to someone for acceptance or analysis?
a) transmit
b) submit
c) omit
d) mission

Which word means - to pass something from one place or person to another, especially via radio, television, or computer?
a) dismiss
b) omit
c) transmit
d) mission

Fill in the missing word: They gathered all of their papers to _______ to the adoption agency.
a) omit
b) transmit
c) submit
d) mission

Fill in the missing word: The leader of the group seemed to ______ everyone's ideas but her own.
a) transmit
b) mission
c) omit
d) dismiss

Fill in the missing word: In Shelly's newest video game, her main _____ is to save the princess from the evil king.
a) submit
b) omit
c) dimiss
d) mission

Many European history books ________ parts of the American Revolutionary War where the British either lose or are made to look foolish.
a) omit
b) transmit
c) dismiss
d) mission

Thanks to satellite, they could ____________ the rock concert to over 100 countries.
a) submit
b) omit
c) transmit
d) mission

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