Indus Review Question Preview (ID: 57366)

Review In Preparation For The Test On The Indus River Valley. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The first Indian script, developed in the Indus Valley around 2600 B.C. is still ______________.
a) Influential
b) Undeciphered
c) Translated
d) Spoken

Which continent is the Indus Valley located on?
a) Asia
b) Africa
c) Europe
d) America

An ancient city of the civilization of the Indus valley (c.2600–1700 BC), now a major archaeological site in Pakistan, south-west of Sukkur.
a) Mohenjo-Daro
b) Harappa
c) Karma
d) Sumer

Which monsoons blow from the northeast, bringing hot, dry air that withers crops?
a) Winter
b) Spring
c) Summer
d) Fall

Which feature played a very big role in Indus laws; be a good person and do your duty.
a) Ma’at
b) Dharma
c) Karma
d) Ritual

Which two mountain ranges mark the northern border of the Indian subcontinent.
a) Zagros Tibetan
b) Hindu Kush Himalayan
c) Alps Cascade
d) Andes Rocky

Indus people were polytheistic and believed certain animals were sacred, including the…
a) Elephant Tiger
b) Goat Crocodile
c) Lion Sheep
d) Buffalo Bull

In which two hemispheres is the Indus Valley located?
a) Northern Western
b) Northern Eastern
c) Southern Western
d) Southern Eastern

Through these sources we are able to learn about the literature, mythology, history and beliefs of ancient India.
a) Brahmi Kharosthi
b) Sanskrit Cuneiform
c) Hieroglyphics Aramaic
d) Arabic Sumerian

Egyptian law was based on the central cultural value of __________ (harmony).
a) Hotep
b) Ranna
c) Taw
d) Ma'at

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