Bipolar Boss: Round 3 Question Preview (ID: 57338)

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According to REBT, what is an essential element of achieving mental wellness?
a) Unconditional self-acceptance
b) Unconditional self-avoidance
c) Unconditional self-sacrifice
d) Unconditional self-harm

Irrational beliefs refer to ____
a) All of the answer choices.
b) Prevention from reaching goals
c) Unhealthy emotions
d) Distorted reality

A type of therapy that can help to improve maladaptive thinking and behavior in bipolar disorder
a) Cognitive behavioral therapy
b) Thought replacement therapy
c) Brain wave enhancement
d) Reaction emotive behavioral therapy

A form of treatment for drug resistant severe mania
a) ECT
b) Restraints
c) Higher drug doses
d) Cold water baths

Which stage of life does a person start to exhibit symptoms of bipolar disorder?
a) Late adolescence/Early Adulthood (16-24)
b) Middle adulthood (45-65)
c) Early childhood (6-12)
d) Early/Mid adulthood (30-45)

The mania seen in bipolar disorder is more likely related to ___.
a) Excess dopamine
b) Childhood trauma
c) Spousal abuse
d) Too little dopamine

Which of the following is an external, stable factor?
a) Task difficulty
b) Ability
c) Effort
d) Luck

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors are OK with ___.
a) Apples and oranges
b) Sausage and pepperoni
c) Cheese
d) Wine

Which of the following is a typical side effect of ECT?
a) Short-term amnesia
b) Long-term amnesia
c) Burn marks on the head
d) None of the answer choices

A typical course of CBT treatment lasts for ___.
a) 5-20 weeks
b) 6-7 hours
c) 10-15 days
d) 24-30 months

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