Precise Language Question Preview (ID: 57337)

This Is A Review On Choosing The Correct Word To Create A Visual Sentence. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

He went into the room. Which rewrite is most descriptive?
a) He stomped off to his bedroom.
b) He had gone into another room.
c) He went away but stayed in the house.
d) He went around the house.

He got the bag off the floor. Which rewrite is most descriptive?
a) He saw a bag sitting on the floor.
b) He picked up the bag off the floor.
c) He struggled to lift the grocery sack.
d) He got the bag to see what was inside.

What would be a good way to change the sentence This is a very, very good thing to better fit with the rest of the report?
a) This is a very good thing.
b) This is an important skill and stuff.
c) This is an important quality.
d) This makes polar bears cool.

I like certain types of music. Which rewrite is most descriptive?
a) I like music that sounds good.
b) I enjoy listening to classical and world music with my friends.
c) My friends and I love music.
d) I love all sorts of music.

I got a new dog. Which rewrite is most descriptive?
a) I got to go pick out a new dog for a pet.
b) I rescued a Dalmatian from the animal shelter.
c) I went to the animal shelter to get a dog for me.
d) I got a new dog from the animal shelter.

Someone drove a car down the street. Which rewrite is most descriptive?
a) There are a lot of cars that drive along my street.
b) A silver convertible roared down Green Street.
c) A car roared down Green Street.
d) Someone drove a convertible down Green Street.

I had a busy weekend. Which rewrite is most descriptive?
a) I like the weekends more than the weekdays.
b) I was busy all weekend because I was doing a lot of stuff.
c) My busy weekend included a bike ride and lunch with my friends.
d) Last weekend, I did many things that were fun.

Diana is giving directions to her friends. Which of the following sentences is most precise?
a) Turn after that one sign by the shop.
b) Find my street, and keep going until you see my car in a driveway.
c) Drive one block past the flower shop, and turn left on Spring Street.
d) Drive a ways down the road, up a hill, and look for the street by a mall.

The ice skater _______. Fill in the blank with the most descriptive phrase.
a) glided carefully across the frozen pond
b) moved across the solid piece of water
c) traveled across the ice
d) went across the water

My dog likes the outdoors. Which rewrite is most descriptive?
a) My dog likes to go to the park and do things like that.
b) My golden retriever loves running at the park.
c) My dog is named Rocky and likes the outdoors.
d) I have a really cool dog that I named Rocky.

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