Pepperberg Boss: Round 2 Question Preview (ID: 57331)

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What’s an advantage of the Pepperberg study being a case study?
a) In-depth details could be gathered about Alex's abilities.
b) The findings can be easily generalized.
c) The research was less costly to conduct.
d) It would be easier to manage just 1 parrot instead of 10 or 12.

What type of learning was involved in the Pepperberg study?
a) All of the answer choices
b) social learning
c) operant conditioning
d) observational learning

How long did it take Alex to learn 'mah-mah'?
a) 9 months
b) 4 months
c) 26 months
d) 10 years

The results were better for _____.
a) Novel items
b) Familiar items
c) Toys
d) Pentagonal shapes

To prevent cueing effect, Pepperberg ___.
a) All of the answer choices
b) Had the materials prepared by students, who also randomized the order of questions
c) Had other experimenters conduct the test trials
d) Couldn't see Alex or the items during testing

How long did it take Alex to learn 'color' and 'shape'?
a) 4 months
b) 9 months
c) 26 months
d) 10 years

What rewards did Alex receive during testing and training?
a) Both intrinsic and extrinsic reward
b) Extrinsic reward
c) No reward
d) Intrinsic reward

To prevent boredom, Alex was also asked questions about ___.
a) Color, shape, 'How many?'
b) Color, shape, size
c) Color, shape, lunch
d) His feelings

To avoid a possible fear response, what was done before novel items were introduced to Alex?
a) They were shelved in Alex's view for several days before being used during testing.
b) They were placed in Alex's cage for several days before being used for testing.
c) They were brought to the lab on the day of testing.
d) They were offered to Alex several days before testing.

Alex could vocally identify, request, refuse, or comment on ___ objects.
a) 80+
b) 5+
c) 50+
d) 97+

Which of the following is a strength of the Pepperberg study?
a) High reliability
b) High mundane realism
c) High ecological validity
d) High generalizability

How long did the testing procedure last?
a) 26 months
b) 4 months
c) 9 months
d) 10 years

Which of the following is a weakness of the Pepperberg study?
a) Low mundane realism
b) Reliability
c) Standardization
d) Validity

What was a conclusion of the Pepperberg study?
a) Parrots have the ability for abstract communication.
b) Parrots can understand one another.
c) Parrots have the ability to speak multiple languages.
d) Parrots are aware of their own existence.

What major concept was investigated in the Pepperberg study?
a) The abstract skill of conceptual categorization
b) Parrots' pecking habits
c) Parrots' preening habits
d) The abstract skill of identifying colors

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