Vocab 3 Quiz 1 Question Preview (ID: 57300)

Vocabulary 3 Quiz 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

He was extremely excited when he met his new puppy.
a) Brevity
b) Animated
c) Distinguish
d) Incoherent

She explained the client's needs so quickly with few words.
a) Tentative
b) Willful
c) Brevity
d) Lament

The twins were identical. You couldn't tell them apart.
a) Repudiate
b) Profuse
c) Skeptical
d) Distinguish

The mask made his speech sound like gibberish.
a) Incoherent
b) Willful
c) Tentative
d) Skeptical

Gilgamesh is deeply saddened by the loss of his friend.
a) Skeptical
b) Lament
c) Profuse
d) Brevity

She had an abundance of napkin rings. They were everywhere!
a) Skeptical
b) Willful
c) Brevity
d) Profuse

The argument was abandoned after a few days. No one could come to a compromise.
a) Willful
b) Repudiate
c) Tentative
d) Brevity

I wanna believe you, but I have my doubts.
a) Brevity
b) Tentative
c) Skeptical
d) Repudiate

I might be able to go golfing this weekend, but my parents might be coming to town.
a) Willful
b) Tentative
c) Repudiate
d) Skeptical

You spilled that drink on purpose. My shirt is ruined!
a) Repudiate
b) Skeptical
c) Deliberate
d) Willful

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