Coding And Robotics Vocabulary #1 Question Preview (ID: 57267)

Coding And Robotics Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Statements that only run under certain conditions.
a) If-statement
b) Conditionals
c) Command
d) Code

An instruction for the computer.
a) Code
b) Configuration
c) Command
d) Program

Computer graphic applications designed to allow engineering of objects (or parts), which are to be manufactured. A computer is used as a tool to design schematics and produce blueprints, which enable the accurate production of the object.
a) Block-based
b) Python
c) CAD
d) Binary

The language that programmers create and use to tell a computer what to do.
a) Program
b) Code
c) Command
d) Iteration

Any programming language that lets users create programs by manipulating “blocks” or graphical programing elements, rather than writing code using text.
a) Block-based
b) Python
c) Binary
d) CAD

A way of representing information using only two options.
a) Block-based
b) Python
c) Binary
d) CAD

Describes a jointed device, such as a jointed manipulator. The joints provide rotation about a vertical axis, and elevation out of the horizontal plane. This allows a robot to be capable of reaching into confined spaces.
a) Mechanical automation
b) Block programming
c) Articulation
d) Coding

A list of steps to finish a task.
a) Code
b) Algorithm
c) Program
d) Command

A simplified representation of something more complex.
a) Abstraction
b) Algorithm
c) Diagram
d) None of these

The arrangement of links created by a particular set of joint positions on the robot.
a) Code
b) Command
c) Conditionals
d) Configuration

Finding and fixing problems in an algorithm or program.
a) Error fixing
b) Problem solving
c) Function
d) Debugging

The service that translates URLs to IP addresses.
a) DNS
b) DSL
c) CAD
d) TIA

A method of sending information using telephone or television cables.
a) DNS
b) DSL
c) CAD
d) TIA

A piece of code that you can easily call over and over again.
a) Conditional
b) Command
c) Function
d) If-statement

The common programming structure that implements conditional statements.
a) Function
b) If-statement
c) Command
d) Code

A repetitive action or command typically created with programming loops.
a) Iteration
b) Command
c) Function
d) Code

An extra piece of information passed to a function to customize it for a specific need.
a) Iteration
b) Parameter
c) Command
d) If-statement

An algorithm that has been coded into something that can be run by a machine.
a) Command
b) Function
c) Program
d) Iteration

A re-programmable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools or specified devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.
a) Robot
b) Lever
c) Fulcrum
d) Variable

A placeholder for a piece of information that can change.
a) Function
b) Variable
c) Command
d) Iteration

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