Base Words, Prefixes, And Suffixes Question Preview (ID: 57264)

This Includes Questions About Base Words, Prefixes, And Suffixes. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the base word in UNRELIABLE?
a) un
b) rely
c) able

What is the base word in misspell?
a) mis
b) pell
c) misp
d) spell

What is the prefix in UNTRUSTWORTHY?
a) un
b) trust
c) worth
d) y

What is the suffix in the word CLOUDY?
a) cl
b) cloud
c) oud
d) y

What does dislike mean?
a) like before
b) in a way that likes
c) not like
d) loves

Does the word PREORDER have a prefix, suffix, or is it just a base word?
a) prefix
b) suffix
c) base word

Does the word SUCCESSFUL have a prefix, suffix, or is it just a base word?
a) prefix
b) suffix
c) base word

Does the word REACH have a prefix, suffix, or is it just a base word?
a) prefix
b) suffix
c) baseword

What does CAREFULLY mean?
a) not care
b) without care
c) to do something in a way that is careful
d) full of care

Does the word SINGING have a prefix, suffix, or is it just a base word?
a) prefix
b) suffix
c) base word

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