Unit 2 Question Preview (ID: 57228)

Unit 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What type of cells can reproduce asexually?
a) Only Prokaryotic
b) Only Eukaryotic
c) Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
d) Cancer Cells

During DNA replication, how many strands are created from the original template?
a) 2 strands
b) 4 strands
c) 8 strands
d) 1 strand

What phase of the cell cycle does a cell spend most of its life?
a) Interphase
b) Metaphase
c) Telephase
d) Synthesis

Mitosis occurs in what type of cells?
a) Somatic
b) Cancer
c) Prokaryotic Cells
d) Sex Cells

The chromosomes are pulled apart toward opposite sides of the cell in which phase?
a) Anaphase
b) Metaphase
c) Telephase
d) Prophase

How are cells with 23 chromosomes produced?
a) Meiosis
b) Mitosis
c) Prokaryotic
d) Eukaryotic

Meiosis produces how many daughter cells?
a) 4
b) 2
c) 6
d) 8

Which of these processes produce gametes in animals?
a) Meiosis
b) Mitosis
c) Fertilization
d) Binary Fission

Crossing over between nonsister chromatids during meiosis is significant in hereditary. This process most likely leads to an increase in which of the following?
a) The expression of dominant traits
b) Number of gametes
c) Genetic Variation
d) The expression of recessive traits

Bacterial Conjugation is the transfer of genetic material between what?
a) Bacteria
b) Antibiotics
c) Gametes
d) Somatic Cells

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