Unit 1 A Question Preview (ID: 57224)

Properties Of Matter. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When conducting a lab you should...
a) start mixing substances
b) wait for the teachers instructions and read all directions
c) start setting up the lab
d) start the lab

How do you measure with a broken ruler
a) subtract the end length from the beginning length
b) guess since the ruler it broken
c) use the numbers that are there
d) you cannot measure it since the ruler is broken

When determining the volume of an irregular shaped object, what steps do you do?
a) measure the volume without the object, then put the object in the cylinder and remeasure and then subtract
b) look at the container and measure the volume
c) measure the volume without the object, then put the object in the cylinder and remeasure and then add

A double pan balance is balanced when the ...
a) needle is at zero or in the middle
b) when one side of the pan is lower than the other
c) when the pans look even

What physical change of matter occurs when you apply heat to water?
a) freezing
b) condensation
c) evaporation
d) melting

Apple juice is a liquid, why?
a) It is squeezed out of apples
b) it takes the shape of the container
c) the molecules are tightly packed
d) the molecules are far apart

An apron, first aid kit, and goggles are examples of
a) Lab tools
b) safety equipment
c) things around the house
d) things used to find volume

When looking at living objects, you should use
a) an journal, hand lens, camera
b) an journal and microscope
c) stopwatch, calculator, beaker

When something is at its highest temperature it is
a) gas
b) solid
c) liquid

When reading a triple beam balance
a) you start at the hundreds, tens, then ones and if there is a decimal it is read at the tenths
b) you start at the hundreds, tens, then ones and if there is a decimal it is read at the hundredths
c) you start at the tens, ones, and hundreds
d) you make a guess

When liquid molecules move to a slower speed they have reached their
a) freezing point
b) boiling point
c) ice
d) water vapor

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