Richard Was A Picker BC Question Preview (ID: 57207)

Answer The Questions To Test Your Understanding Of The Book. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the title of the book?
a) The title of the book is 'Richard'.
b) The title of the book is 'Richard the Booger Boy'.
c) The title of the book is 'Richard the Picker'.
d) The title of the book is 'Richard was a Picker'.

Who is the story about?
a) The story is about Richard.
b) The story is about Mrs. Rappertaffy.
c) The story is about Richard's mother.
d) The story is about the crowd.

What did Richard's neighbours call him?
a) They called him Booger Boy.
b) They called him Rick.
c) They called him Richard.
d) They called him Boogy Boy.

What did Richard's best friends call him?
a) They called him Booger Boy.
b) They called him Rick.
c) They called him Richard.
d) They called him Boogy Boy.

He would stick his fingers up his __________ and scoop stuff out.
a) He would stick his fingers up his mouth and scoop stuff out.
b) He would stick his fingers up his nose and scoop stuff out.
c) He would stick his fingers in his eye and scoop stuff out.

Green gooey slimy strings of swingy things and loops made ____________.
a) Green gooey slimy strings of swingy things and loops made castles.
b) Green gooey slimy strings of swingy things and loops made farms.
c) Green gooey slimy strings of swingy things and loops made zoos.
d) Green gooey slimy strings of swingy things and loops made castles, farms and zoos.

Jelly yellows and gooky whites made __________________.
a) Jelly yellows and gooky whites made robots.
b) Jelly yellows and gooky whites made robots and trains.
c) Jelly yellows and gooky whites made satellites.
d) Jelly yellows and gooky whites made robots, trains and satellites.

Globby browns and clabbery greens built _______________.
a) Globby browns and clabbery greens built airports and towns.
b) Globby browns and clabbery greens built airports, towns and submarines.
c) Globby browns and clabbery greens built airports and submarines.
d) Globby browns and clabbery greens built towns and submarines.

Then one day as he dug about, Richard's ____________ would not come out!
a) Then one day as he dug about, Richard's hand would not come out.
b) Then one day as he dug about, Richard's finger would not come out.
c) Then one day as he dug about, Richard's arm would not come out.
d) Then one day as he dug about, Richard's nose would not come out.

He pulled, he tugged, he grasped and gripped, but up, up and up his finger _____________!
a) He pulled, he tugged, he grasped and gripped, but up, up and up his finger picked.
b) He pulled, he tugged, he grasped and gripped, but up, up and up his finger flipped.
c) He pulled, he tugged, he grasped and gripped, but up, up and up his finger disappeared.
d) He pulled, he tugged, he grasped and gripped, but up, up and up his finger slipped.

First, Richard's nose sucked up his _______________.
a) First, Richard's nose sucked up his arm.
b) First, Richard's nose sucked up his leg.
c) First, Richard's nose sucked up his head.
d) First, Richard's nose sucked up his bottom.

The problem of the story was ______________.
a) The problem of the story was that Richard slid up his nose.
b) The problem of the story was that Richard didn't like his best friend.
c) The problem of the story was that Richard didn't have tissues.
d) The problem of the story was that Richard had a big nose.

Snout is another word for ____________.
a) Snout is another word for mouth.
b) Snout is another word for ears.
c) Snout is another word for eyes.
d) Snout is another word for nose.

Where was Richard going to find help?
a) Richard was going to find help at the bank.
b) Richard was going to find help at Ed's Meat Shop.
c) Richard was going to find help at Ed's Sweets Shop
d) Richard was going to find help at Ed's Spice Shop.

Mrs Rappertaffy loves to ____________.
a) Mrs Rappertaffy loves to paint.
b) Mrs Rappertaffy loves to knit.
c) Mrs Rappertaffy loves to decorate her room.
d) Mrs Rappertaffy loves to dance.

The setting (time/place) of the story is:
a) Day time/Richard's town
b) Day time/Richard's school
c) Day time/Richard's house
d) Day time/Richard's nose

They waved canes and sticks and big ________ spoons.
a) They waved canes and sticks and big metal spoons.
b) They waved canes and sticks and big plastic spoons.
c) They waved canes and sticks and big paper spoons
d) They waved canes and sticks and big wooden spoons.

Ed has a ________ shop.
a) Ed has a flower shop.
b) Ed has a sweets shop.
c) Ed has a spice shop.
d) Ed has a meat shop.

The solution of Richard's problem was the smell of___________.
a) The solution of Richard's problem was the smell of a dirty toilet.
b) The solution of Richard's problem was the smell of a pig.
c) The solution of Richard's problem was the smell of dirty socks.
d) The solution of Richard's problem was the smell of chilli powder, pepper and salt.

The crowd chasing Richard was a __________ mob!
a) The crowd chasing Richard was a happy mob!
b) The crowd chasing Richard was a crazy mob!
c) The crowd chasing Richard was a mad mob!
d) The crowd chasing Richard was a silly mob!

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