World History Lesson 1-1 Question Preview (ID: 57167)

World History. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

One thousand years is
a) a decade
b) a millennium
c) a century
d) an era

The most important fact that helped scientists connect the discovery of the skeleton, Lucy, in Africa to modern humans was that it
a) had long arms and short legs
b) was only 3 1/2 feet tall
c) was 3.2 million years old
d) walked upright

The study of human culture and how it develops over time is called
a) paleontology
b) archaeology
c) anthropology
d) psychology

A group of 100 years is know as
a) era
b) millennium
c) decade
d) century

The Gregorian calendar
a) lost one day every 128 years
b) is also known as the Hebrew Calendar
c) is still used today
d) was developed by Julius Ceasar

Some early calendars developed by the Chinese, Egyptians, and Hebrews were based on the cycles of the______
a) Sun
b) moon
c) stars
d) weather

A group of ten years is known as
a) a millennium
b) a decade
c) a century
d) an era

The remains of plant and animal life from an earlier time are called_______
a) artifacts
b) anthropology
c) fossils
d) archaeology

In the Gregorian calendar, events are dated either before or after the birth of_________
a) Pope Gregory
b) Julius Caesar
c) Egyptians
d) Jesus

The first historical era, more than 5,500 years ago, is called____________and refers to a time before people developed writing.
a) century
b) prehistory
c) Gregorian calendar
d) Modern era

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