Figurative Language - Examples Question Preview (ID: 57163)

Examples Of Figurative Language. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This classroom's so cold, I see ice forming!
a) metaphor
b) hyperbole
c) imagery
d) alliteration

Billy bought bags of basketballs.
a) allusion
b) alliteration
c) hyperbole
d) metaphor

My teacher's dragon eyes glared at me across the room.
a) hyperbole
b) simile
c) allusion
d) metaphor

The wind slapped my back during our sailing trip.
a) hyperbole
b) allusion
c) metaphor
d) personification

Maybe someday, I'll receive a letter from Hogwarts, too!
a) hyperbole
b) metaphor
c) personification
d) allusion

Make sure you think outside the box!
a) cliche
b) alliteration
c) allusion
d) metaphor

It's time to hit the books!
a) alliteration
b) idiom
c) allusion
d) personification

Splash! Pop!
a) onomatopoeia
b) allusion
c) idiom
d) cliche

Bang! Boom!
a) hyperbole
b) onomatopoeia
c) rhyme
d) simile

I'm so tired I could sleep forever!
a) onomatopoeia
b) metaphor
c) hyperbole
d) alliteration

The flowers danced in the spring breeze.
a) personification
b) idiom
c) hyperbole
d) allusion

The leaves of bird-filled trees stirred a warm breeze that tickled my face.
a) idiom
b) metaphor
c) simile
d) imagery

and they all lived happily ever after...
a) idiom
b) cliche
c) personification
d) hyperbole

Many magicians make us believe in miracles!
a) alliteration
b) rhyme
c) idiom
d) hyperbole

The paintbrush was a magic wand in his hand.
a) simile
b) personification
c) metaphor
d) hyperbole

It rained so much, I thought I'd see Noah's ark!
a) alliteration
b) personification
c) allusion
d) literal

She twisted my arm
a) onomatopoeia
b) idiom
c) allusion
d) personification

her smile is as pretty as a sunset
a) simile
b) metaphor
c) hyperbole
d) imagery

His clothes filled like a sponge as he sank into the water.
a) metaphor
b) cliche
c) personification
d) simile

In the warm sunshine, I smelled the barbeque and tasted the delicious bacon.
a) metaphor
b) personification
c) imagery
d) hyperbole

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