1st Six Weeks Test Review Question Preview (ID: 57151)

Social Studies Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Virginia was founded for Gold. Georgia was founded for what reason?
a) a place for people who owed money (debtors)
b) as a vacation spot for King James
c) to move the natives to live there
d) so Spain could gain more power in the colonies

Which group of colonies used slave labor to do most of it's work?
a) Southern
b) Middle
c) New England
d) Northern

During the Great Awakening, what happened?
a) poisonous fumes caused people to sleep
b) natives began to realize they were losing their lands
c) people became more religious
d) people moved westward

Early colonial governments started the idea of what type of government?
a) Socialism
b) Representative Government
c) Communism
d) Restrictive

Mercantilism means...
a) importing more than you export
b) buying and selling according to the Stock Market
c) selling slaves to other countries
d) trade benefitting the Mother Country

People settled in the colonies because of what 3 reasons?
a) economics, politics and religion
b) lack of space in Europe, no trees and starvation
c) religion, world peace and easier lifestyles
d) larger farms, more animals and freedom of speech

Southern colonies based their economies on what?
a) cattle farming
b) shipbuilding and fishing
c) tourism
d) tobacco, plantations, slavery

New England colonies did not base their economy on farming for what reason?
a) no seeds
b) rocky soil, cold climate
c) too much water
d) no farmers lived there

One of the reasons for Triangular Trade was...
a) to allow more ships to sail at night
b) so that the colonies could send cotton to South America
c) for Magellen to be able to circumnavigate the world
d) to use Africans as slaves on plantations

Shipbuilding was used to make money in which set of colonies?
a) Middle Colonies
b) Southern Colonies
c) New England Colonies
d) American Colonies

The Columbian Exchange was the idea of Native Americans and Europeans doing what?
a) exchanging plants, animals, food, diseases and items
b) Columbus sending explorers back to Europe to get more supplies
c) the process of making colonies larger
d) working together to end world wars

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was written by ___________________________. It was the 1st Constitution
a) Benjamin Franklin
b) William Penn
c) Anne Hutchinson
d) Thomas Hooker

What state used to be known as New Netherlands?
a) Texas
b) New York
c) Georgia
d) Maine

Massachusetts was founded for what reason?
a) religious freedoms
b) political gain
c) farming
d) gold was found there

Virginia is a southern colony and it's economy was based off of what?
a) gold mining
b) farming and slaves
c) shipbuilding
d) whaling

The idea of self government was introduced by William Penn and who else?
a) George Washington
b) Daniel Boone
c) Thomas Hooker
d) Captain John Smith

Cities located along the coast line offer what benefits to those living there?
a) natural ports to bring in shipments from overseas
b) higher taxes
c) larger farms and less people
d) extreme climates

What was the first Representative Government in the colonies?
a) Constitution
b) House of Burgesses
c) Mayflower Compact
d) Bill of Rights

Plymouth Massachussetts wasn founded in 1620. What year was Mayflower Compact written?
a) 1622
b) 1615
c) 1607
d) 1620

Who were the 4 Rivals in colonizing America?
a) Spain, France, New Netherlands, Britain
b) France, Russia, China, Brazil
c) Britian, Canada, Mexico, Spain
d) France, Britian, Mexico, Britain

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