Unit 5 Facing Adversity Question Preview (ID: 57149)

Comprehension And Vocab Check. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What decision did Captain Sullenberger, Sully, have to make to save the lives of his 154 passengers?
a) Land the plane on the Hudson River
b) Land the plane at the nearest airport
c) Fly to Florida
d) Parachute all passengers from the plane

In the Dust Bowl video, what effects did the climate change have on the area the cattlemen and farmers lived?
a) An ocean formed
b) It created giant dust storms and droughts.
c) None
d) It rained non-stop for weeks.

What does bitterness mean?
a) condition causing pain or sorrow
b) a happy feeling inside
c) a sweet, pleasant taste
d) a slimy, green goo

What did the tenant farmers in The Grapes of Wrath do with the items that couldn't sell or load onto their truck?
a) They gave them to Goodwill.
b) They had a garage sale.
c) They set the items on fire.
d) They buried them in the backyard.

Which is an example of the suffix -LY
a) Frantically
b) Lye
c) Lyrical
d) Analyze

What was the setting of The Grapes of Wrath?
a) The Bahamas, a tropical island setting, in 2000
b) Chicago, an urban (big city) setting in 1850
c) Apache Junction, a small, western town in 2021
d) In the Dust Bowl region of Oklahoma/Texas in 1930

Which was NOT a crop Panchito's family picked in The Circuit?
a) corn
b) grapes
c) cotton
d) strawberries

How did Panchito feel when he saw the cardboard boxes?
a) He was embarrassed they couldn't afford suitcases.
b) He was sad because he didn't want to move again.
c) He was angry because he didn't like carrying boxes.
d) He was excited because he always loved moving.

Which sentence uses commas correctly?
a) The salad consisted of, lettuce tomato carrots and onions.
b) The salad, consisted of lettuce tomato carrots and onions.
c) The salad consisted of lettuce, tomato, carrots, and onions.
d) The salad consisted, of lettuce, tomato carrots an onions.

Which is an example of a coordinate adjective?
a) soft, blue couch
b) smell shoe
c) blue house
d) yellow banana

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