Cells! Question Preview (ID: 57145)

Cell. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does the ER do?
a) Factory or highway where materials move or transport
b) Package material
c) Brain of the cell
d) Allows things to enter and exit

What does the cytoplasm do?
a) The powerhouse or energy source of the cell
b) A gel-like fluid that holds organelles in place
c) The brain of the cell
d) Makes food in the plant cell

What does the chloroplast do?
a) Makes food in the plant cell
b) The brain of the cell
c) Makes protein in the cell
d) Provides structure and shape in the plant cell

What does the cell wall do?
a) The powerhouse or energy source of the cell
b) Makes protein in the cell
c) Stores food and water in the cell
d) Provides structure and shape in the plant cell

What does the vacuole do?
a) Provides structure and shape in the plant cell
b) Stores food and water in the cell
c) A gel-like fluid that holds organelles in place
d) Removes waste in the cell

What does the lysosome do?
a) A gel-like fluid that holds organelles in place
b) The brain of the cell
c) Removes waste in the cell
d) Packages material in the cell

What does the golgi body do?
a) Packages material in the cell
b) The brain of the cell
c) Factory or highway where materials move or transport
d) Allows things in and out of the cell

What does the cell membrane do?
a) The brain of the cell
b) Allows things in and out of the cell
c) Makes proteins in the cell
d) Removes waste in the cell

What does the nucleus do?
a) Allows things in and out of the cell
b) The powerhouse or energy source in the cell
c) The brain of the cell
d) Makes food in the plant cell

What does the mitochondria do?
a) Stores food and water
b) The powerhouse or energy source of the cell
c) The brain of the cell
d) Provides structure and support and shape in the plant cell

What does the ribosome do?
a) Make protein
b) The brain of the cell
c) Make food for the plant cell
d) Allows things in and out of the cell

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