The Atmosphere Question Preview (ID: 57137)

Review Of The Layers Of The Earth's Atmosphere. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The mixture of gases that surrounds the earth is the
a) weather
b) climate
c) atmosphere
d) wind

The layer of the atmosphere that extends into space is the
a) exosphere
b) troposphere
c) mesosphere
d) thermosphere

Which gas makes up 78% of the earth's atmosphere
a) oxygen
b) nitrogen
c) carbon
d) argon

Which layer of the atmosphere is closest to the earth's surface and where most of the weather occurs?
a) mesosphere
b) stratosphere
c) troposphere
d) thermosphere

What is the measure of the force at which air molecules push on a surface?
a) temperature
b) altitude
c) gravity
d) air pressure

The layer that is the coldest and where most meteors burn up is the
a) mesosphere
b) exosphere
c) troposphere
d) stratosphere

What layer is the hottest and contains the ionosphere?
a) troposphere
b) thermosphere
c) mesosphere
d) stratosphere

The order of the layers of the atmosphere going away from the ground level upward is:
a) stratosphere, mesosphere, troposphere, thermosphere, exosphere
b) thermosphere, exosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, troposphere
c) troposphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, exosphere, thermosphere
d) troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere

What term refers to the height or distance from the surface of the earth?
a) altitude
b) gravity
c) air pressure
d) ozone

What gas makes up 21% of the earth's atmosphere?
a) hydrogen
b) oxygen
c) nitrogen
d) chlorine

What layer of the atmosphere contains the ozone layer and where airplanes and weather balloons are found?
a) thermosphere
b) mesosphere
c) stratosphere
d) troposphere

Which layer has most of the mass of the earth's atmosphere?
a) troposphere
b) exosphere
c) mesosphere
d) stratrosphere

What force pulls the atmosphere toward the surface of the earth?
a) air pressure
b) altitude
c) water vapor
d) gravity

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