TRANSITIONAL WORDS AND PHRASE 1 Question Preview (ID: 57128)

This Is A MCQ Based On Transitional Words And Phrases. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Many people fear barracudas; _______, few instances of attacks by barracudas have been reported.
a) however
b) moreover
c) similarly
d) as a result of

______ the difficulties you have caused, you are still invited to attend the concert with us.
a) As a matter of fact
b) First
c) Despite
d) For example

Blanche passed all their sections of the graduation exam; _____, they will be able to participate in the graduation ceremonies.
a) therefore
b) occasionally
c) for example

I played soccer all afternoon; _____, I forgot to complete my homework assignments.
a) now
b) finally
c) furthermore
d) as a result

Mark failed Geometry B; _____, he will have to retake it during summer school.
a) however
b) for example
c) therefore

The educational system is far different from my father's. __________, all the subjects are taught in Burmese, except for English.
a) As a result
b) For example
c) Therefore
d) However

________, some air pollution is created by the burning of gasoline in vehicles such as cars and trucks.
a) Therefore
b) However
c) As a result
d) Additionally

___________ the rainy, cold weather, we practiced soccer after school.
a) Due to
b) Because
c) As a result
d) Despite

My mother bakes the best cakes; _____, she won first place for her chocolate surprise.
a) However
b) Additionally
c) In fact
d) Therefore

Cats are inexpensive pets. __________, they don't cost their owners a lot of money.
a) Consequently
b) For instance
c) Apart from this

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