OCS Civic Literacy Mod 1 Lesson 1 CYK Review Question Preview (ID: 57124)

Review Of Module 1 Lesson 1 For The Age Of Exploration And 13 Colonies. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why did the Pilgrims find it necessary to create the Mayflower Compact?
a) They were far from the King and didn't want to have a lawless society.
b) They believed in community and that everyone was equal.
c) They wanted to be sure all of the Plymouth colonists could vote

Why was Anne Hutchinson banished from Massachusetts?
a) She was unfaithful to her husband
b) She was not supposed to be teaching the Bible because she was a woman
c) She refused to marry.

What is considered the first representative government in Colonial America?
a) The Virginia House of Burgesses
b) The Mayflower Compact
c) The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

What were the 3 reasons that explorers set out to find new trade routes and new lands?
a) Gold, God and Art
b) Land, Power and People
c) God, Glory and Gold

Why did British explorers want to create colonies in America?
a) Britain was becoming overcrowded
b) They wanted to start a war with Native Americans
c) They were competing with other European nations for land and colonies

Three European countries that sent explorers to find new lands during this period were:
a) Portugal, Britain and Spain
b) France, Britain and Spain
c) Portugal, Britain and France

What were the three regions of the 13 colonies?
a) New England, West, South
b) New England, Middle, Southern
c) West, Southern, Middle

Both the Mayflower Compact and the House of Burgesses in Virginia are examples of ___?
a) Democracy
b) Exploration
c) Self-Government

The Age of ______________ was from the 1400’s through the 1700’s
a) Democracy
b) Exploration
c) Self-Government

Prince ______ the Navigator of Portugal started the Age of Exploration
a) Henry
b) Charles
c) Ferdinand

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