Unit 2A: Author's Purpose And Craft;Purpose Question Preview (ID: 57123)

Exploring Purpose And Message. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) Distinguishable characteristics based on meter, lines, stanzas, and rhyme schemes
b) a rhetorical fallacy in which one classifies a person or group according to a common aspect
c) a passage taken from a book, article, etc.
d) Paragraphs and Sentences

a) Add notes to (a text or diagram) giving explanation or comment.
b) The lesson or the message that the author wants you to learn from the story.
c) Figurative Language
d) Paragraphs and Sentences

a) a specific subject, idea, or issue that is the focus of a discussion, essay, article, or other work
b) Information found in the poem
c) The main and most easily recognizable purpose
d) A rhetorical fallacy in which one classifies a person or group according to a common aspect

Text Evidence
a) Word having more then one syllable
b) Information found in the poem
c) paraphrased or directly quoted detail(s) from a text that supports a reader's claim, thought, or inference
d) Paragraphs and Sentences

a) a stage in the writing process when the author attends to and corrects mechanic, grammar, and spelling
b) the intended goal of a piece of writing; the reason a person writes
c) The main and most easily recognizable purpose
d) Paragraphs and Sentences

a) a stage in the writing process when the author attends to and corrects mechanic, grammar, and spelling
b) a technique in which many ideas are generated quickly and without judgement
c) applying knowledge of letter-sound relationships in order to sound out a word
d) A rhetorical fallacy in which one classifies a person or group according to a common aspect

a) The listener, viewer or reader of a text
b) The reason and author writes about a particular topic (persuade, entertain, inform, explain, or analyze)
c) The main and most easily recognizable purpose
d) a technique in which many ideas are generated quickly and without judgement

Author's Purpose
a) distinguishable characteristics based on meter, lines, stanzas, and rhyme schemes
b) a rhetorical fallacy in which one classifies a person or group according to a common aspect
c) The reason and author writes about a particular topic (persuade, entertain, inform, explain, or analyze)
d) The listener, viewer or reader of a text

a) Add notes to (a text or diagram) giving explanation or comment.
b) Information found in the poem
c) The main and most easily recognizable purpose
d) Free Verse

a) Text Features
b) The listener, viewer or reader of a text
c) Add notes to (a text or diagram) giving explanation or comment
d) Paragraphs and Sentences

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