Catherine Called Birdy March-June Question Preview (ID: 56933)

Vocabulary Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Leaving one behind and unable to exit or escape
a) Stranding
b) Vellum
c) Dissipated
d) Bedraggled

Disordered, disheveled, dirty
a) Bedraggled
b) Spattered
c) Blanching
d) Stranding

Spotted, splashed, or sprayed in small drops
a) Spattered
b) Stranding
c) Vellum
d) Dissipated

Fine parchment or paper; usually made from the skin of a young lamb or goat
a) Dissipated
b) Vellum
c) Bedraggled
d) Spattered

Squandering, irreversibly lost, or wasted away
a) Dissipated
b) Spattered
c) Blanching
d) Stranding

Growing pale from shock
a) Stranding
b) Vellum
c) Blanching
d) Dissipated

The crowd was as they watched the hanging.
a) Blanching
b) Stranding
c) Vellum
d) Dissipated

He was left on the side of the road when his car quit running.
a) Dissipated
b) Bedraggled
c) Spattered
d) Stranding

The monks used to write the scriptures on.
a) Stranding
b) Vellum
c) Dissipated
d) Bedraggled

The rain as the sun came out.
a) Dissipated
b) Bedraggled
c) Spattered
d) Blanching

He looked after spending the day on the lake.
a) Blanching
b) Bedraggled
c) Stranding
d) Vellum

The paint all over the new furniture.
a) Vellum
b) Spattered
c) Dissipated
d) Bedraggled

Spread about, scattered
a) Pocked
b) Strewed
c) Solemnly
d) Loathsome

Proper would be essential for a successful corn crop.
a) Loathsome
b) Strewed
c) Irrigation
d) Blighted

Detestable, hateful, or causing repulsion
a) Blighted
b) Loathsome
c) Pocked
d) Solemnly

The violent storm Hessa's plan to have a picnic with her friends.
a) Solemnly
b) Irrigation
c) Loathsome
d) Blighted

Gravely, earnestly, or seriously
a) Blighted
b) Pocked
c) Solemnly
d) Loathsome

The minister began to speak about the importance of helping the less fortunate.
a) Solemnly
b) Loathsome
c) Strewed
d) Irrigation

Damaged or ruined
a) Irrigation
b) Pocked
c) Blighted
d) Solemnly

There was clothing, toys and books around the room
a) Solemnly
b) Strewed
c) Loathsome
d) Irrigation

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