Catherine Called Birdy September-December Question Preview (ID: 56929)

Vocabulary Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Underwent, suffered, or lived through
a) Daub
b) Impudence
c) Jouncing
d) Endured

Bumping or jolting very roughly
a) Apprentice
b) Endured
c) Daub
d) Jouncing

The villagers disliked the king because his treatment towards them was .
a) Abominable
b) Jouncing
c) Apprentice
d) Endured

The butcher's new learned about the business very quickly.
a) Endured
b) Daub
c) Impudence
d) Apprentice

A person learning from a tradesman or skilled worker.
a) Jouncing
b) Abominable
c) Apprentice
d) Endured

The family was extra gentle with the puppy because he had so much during his first visit to the vet.
a) Daub
b) Impudence
c) Endured
d) Jouncing

Loathsome; the cause of revulsion
a) Apprentice
b) Endured
c) Abominable
d) Daub

He is raking out the fire while I was using the .
a) Procession
b) Bellows
c) Martyred
d) Heathen

We saw the altar where the sacrifices were made.
a) Heathen
b) Proession
c) Martyred
d) Bellows

They were in Rome for refusing to bow to the Caesar.
a) Bellows
b) Spindles
c) Martyred
d) Procession

The staircase has on the top with decorations.
a) Forbore
b) Bellows
c) Spindles
d) Procession

He carefully any mention of her name in case it would upset everyone.
a) Bellows
b) Spindles
c) Procession
d) Forbore

A group moving in an organized manner
a) Spindles
b) Martyred
c) Procession
d) Heathen

Behind them followed a long of Alabama fans.
a) Heathen
b) Procession
c) Forbore
d) Bellows

One who does not belong to a common religion
a) Forbore
b) Heathen
c) Bellows
d) Spindles

A device with an airbag that emits a stream of air that blows into a fire
a) Procession
b) Bellows
c) Martyred
d) Heathen

Held back from an act or emotion
a) Bellows
b) Forbore
c) Spindles
d) Procession

To have willingly sacrificed something for a principle or belief
a) Martyred
b) Heathen
c) Forbore
d) Bellows

Rods or pins used for spinning wool or thread
a) Procession
b) Spindles
c) Martyred
d) Heathen

The old truck came down the bumpy dirt road.
a) Endured
b) Jouncing
c) Daub
d) Impudence

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