Reproduction And Development Question Preview (ID: 56899)
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This technique is a form of

a) gene manipulation
b) sexual reproduction
c) asexual reproduction
d) gamete production
Strawberries can reproduce by means of runners, which are stems that grow horizontally along the ground. At the region of the runner that touches the ground, a new plant develops. The new plant is genetically identical to the parent because
a) it was produced sexually
b) it was produced asexually
c) there were no other strawberry plants in the area to provide fertilization
d) nuclei traveled to the new plant through the runner to fertilize it
When a planarian (a type of worm) is cut in half, each half usually grows back into a complete worm over time. This situation most closely resembles
a) sexual reproduction in which each half represents one parent
b) sexual reproduction of a single-celled organism
c) asexual reproduction of a single-celled organism
d) asexual reproduction in which a mutation has occurred
Which other characteristics could be used to describe this organism?

a) deposits cellular wastes on land and decomposes dead organisms
b) carries out photosynthesis and needs oxygen
c) reproduces in a water habitat and is a producer
d) reproduces asexually and is a consumer
Which row in the chart below best describes asexual reproduction?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
A tree produces only seedless oranges. A small branch cut from this tree produces roots after it is planted in soil. When mature, this new tree will most likely produce
a) oranges and other kinds of fruit
b) oranges with seeds, only
c) oranges without seeds, only
d) a majority of oranges with seeds and only a few oranges without seeds
Which of the following statements describes the outcome of this process?

a) The two cells that result will each contain half the species number of chromosomes.
b) The bud will start to divide by the process of meiotic cell division.
c) The bud will develop into a zygote.
d) The two cells that result will have identical DNA.
Which statement best describes this pattern of reproduction?

a) All genetic material comes from one parent.
b) The size of the parent determines the source of the genetic material.
c) Only some of the genetic material comes from one parent.
d) The size of the parent determines the amount of genetic material.
Asexually reproducing organisms pass on hereditary information as
a) chains of complex amino acids
b) simple inorganic sugars
c) folded protein molecules
d) sequences of A, T, C, and G
Viruses frequently infect bacteria and insert new genes into the genetic material of the bacteria. When these infected bacteria reproduce asexually, which genes would most likely be passed on?
a) both the original and the new genes
b) only the original genes
c) neither the original nor the new genes
d) only the new genes
A certain bacterial colony originated from the division of a single bacterial cell. Each cell in this colony will most likely
a) have a resistance to different antibiotics
b) synthesize the same proteins and enzymes
c) express adaptations unlike those of the other cells
d) replicate different numbers of genes
Cells A, B, and C all produced protein X. What can best be inferred from this observation?

a) The gene to produce protein X was passed from cell A to cells B and C.
b) Cells A, B, and C ingested food containing the gene to produce protein X.
c) Protein X is found in all organisms.
d) The gene for protein X is found in single-celled organisms, only.
As a result of the processes shown, the single-celled organism accomplishes

a) sexual reproduction
b) gamete production
c) asexual reproduction
d) energy production
In the diagram shown, process 1 is known as

a) digestion
b) replication
c) differentiation
d) meiosis
In the diagram shown, process 1 and process 2 are directly involved in

a) recombination
b) meiotic cell division
c) fertilization
d) mitotic cell division
In the diagram shown, the genetic content of C is usually identical to the genetic content of

a) D but not A
b) both A and D
c) both B and D
d) B but not D
This sequence most closely resembles the process of
a) recombination
b) zygote formation
c) mitotic cell division
d) meiotic cell division
The least genetic variation will probably be found in the offspring of organisms that reproduce using
a) internal fertilization to produce an embryo
b) fusion of eggs and sperm to produce zygotes
c) meiosis to produce gametes
d) mitosis to produce a larger population
What is the significance of anaphase in this process?

a) In anaphase, the DNA is being replicated.
b) Anaphase usually ensures that each daughter cell has the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
c) Anaphase usually ensures that each daughter cell has twice as many chromosomes as the parent cell.
d) In anaphase, the cell splits in half.
Which diagram best represents the chromosomes that would be found in the two new skin cells produced as a result of this process?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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