August 2018 Living Environment Regents Questions 21-30 Question Preview (ID: 56841)

Use Your Knowledge Of Living Environment To Answer All Questions In The Data Set. You May Need A Calculator To Answer Some Of The Questions. Good Luck. Corresponding Data Sets: 56839, 56840, 56841, 56842. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Single-celled organisms are able to maintain homeostasis, even though they lack higher levels of organization such as organs and organ systems, because
a) single-celled organisms do not carry out the same life processes as multicellular organisms
b) multicellular organisms do not rely on tissues or organs to carry out life processes
c) cell structures work together to maintain homeostasis in single-celled organisms
d) single-celled organisms are able to coordinate organ functions to maintain homeostasis

Sharks are often followed by smaller fish that eat some of the scraps from the organisms eaten by the shark. These smaller fish are acting as
a) decomposers
b) scavengers
c) producers
d) herbivores

The best explanation for the differences in the appearance of the twins is that

a) twin B is older than twin A
b) they each inherited half of their DNA from each parent
c) the expression of genes is influenced by the environment
d) one twin resembles the mother and the other resembles the father

Under the supervision of experts, certain areas in a nature preserve are regularly exposed to frequent, low-intensity fires. These controlled fires maintain specific populations of plants by directly
a) increasing the consumption of finite resources
b) decreasing the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere
c) stopping the process of evolution
d) interfering with the process of ecological succession

Which statement best describes the effect of the water flea on the lake?
a) It will not compete with animals in the local food chain.
b) It will feed on organisms that are important to other species.
c) The number of water fleas will decrease due to a lack of food.
d) There will be no effect on native species in the lake.

A stable ecosystem can have high biodiversity because each species in that ecosystem
a) occupies a different niche
b) inhabits a different environment
c) is part of a different community
d) lives in a different biosphere

Stability within an ecosystem is achieved partially by the presence of organisms that break down important molecules and make them available for other organisms to use. These organisms are
a) plants
b) herbivores
c) scavengers
d) decomposers

The hormone referred to in this feedback mechanism is

a) estrogen
b) insulin
c) progesterone
d) testosterone

This sequence of rock layers best illustrates the concept that

a) the living and nonliving environment both change over time
b) it is important to preserve the diversity of species and habitats
c) new inheritable characteristics can result from the recombining of genes
d) living organisms have the capacity to produce populations of unlimited size

In the pyramid, the arrows labeled X represent
a) the loss of organisms due to predation
b) a decrease in photosynthetic organisms
c) the loss of energy in the form of heat
d) a decrease in available oxygen

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