Vocabulary 1 Question Preview (ID: 56782)

10 Vocabulary Words For First Graders. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) to make someone a little angry
b) to make someone happy
c) to hit someone
d) to eat something

a) a guard
b) a type of song
c) interest or notice taken
d) a remark or statement

a) panic
b) angry
c) sad
d) peaceful

a) nice, comfy, restful
b) stressed, crazy, wild
c) very small, tiny
d) dark, shadowy

a) a type of flower
b) the effects of something
c) chairs
d) causes of something

a) good at finding things
b) having a lot of money
c) not paying attention
d) interested in knowing something

a) very hungry
b) very angry
c) very tired
d) very happy

a) very exciting
b) very interesting
c) very tiring
d) very big

a) a big success
b) a victory
c) a very big meal
d) a loss

a) feeling happy because something good happened
b) feeling tired because you didn't get enough sleep
c) feeling sad because you lost something
d) feeling annoyed because something isn't going the way you want it to

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