Water Velocity And Sediment Deposition Question Preview (ID: 56779)
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As the Niagara River enters Lake Ontario, the velocity of the river water

a) decreases and larger sediments are deposited first
b) decreases and smaller sediments are deposited first
c) increases and larger sediments are deposited first
d) increases and smaller sediments are deposited first
What is the minimum water velocity necessary to maintain movement of 0.1-centimeter-diameter particles in a stream?
a) 0.02 cm/s
b) 0.5 cm/s
c) 5.0 cm/s
d) 20.0 cm/s
It could be inferred from the above data that the stream's velocity

a) was constantly decreasing
b) was constantly increasing
c) decreased and then increased
d) remained the same
Which graph best represents the relationship between the slope of a river and the particle size that can be transported by that river?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
The deposition most likely occurred as a result of 8

a) dropping directly from a glacier
b) an avalanche on a mountainside
c) a decrease in the velocity of a stream
d) dropping of weathered rock fragments from a cliff
What is the minimum water velocity needed in a stream to maintain the transportation of the smallest boulder?
a) 100 cm/sec
b) 200 cm/sec
c) 300 cm/sec
d) 500 cm/sec
The largest sediment particles that can be transported by a stream traveling at a velocity of 200 centimeters per second are
a) boulders
b) cobbles
c) pebbles
d) sand
Two streams, A and B, carry the same volume of water, but stream A has a greater velocity. The most likely cause of this greater velocity would be that stream A
a) has more tributaries
b) has a wider streambed
c) flows down a steeper slope
d) travels over less resistant bedrock
As the velocity of a stream decreases, the amount of sediment in the water of the stream
a) decreases
b) increases
c) remains the same
A stream flowing at a velocity of 250 centimeters per second is transporting sediment particles ranging n size from clay to cobbles. Which transported particles will be deposited by the stream if its velocity decreases to 100 centimeters per second?
a) cobbles, only
b) cobbles and some pebbles, only
c) cobbles, pebbles, and some sand, only
d) cobbles, pebbles, sand, slit, and clay
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