Gravity Erosion Question Preview (ID: 56772)
Use Your Knowledge Of Earth Science To Answer All Questions In The Data Set. You Will Need Your Earth Science Reference Tables And A Calculator To Answer Some Of The Questions. Good Luck.
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Which energy transformation occurs as a rock falls freely from the top of a vertical cliff?
a) The rock's potential energy and kinetic energy decrease.
b) The rock's potential energy decreases and the rock's kinetic energy increases.
c) The rock's potential energy increases and the rock's kinetic energy decreases.
d) The rock's potential energy and kinetic energy increase.
The best evidence that erosion has taken place would be provided by
a) deep residual soil observed on a hillside
b) sediment observed at the bottom of a cliff
c) tilted rock layers observed on a mountain
d) faulted rock layers observed on a plateau
Based on the features shown, which erosional agent had the greatest effect on tree growth and the structures that humans have built on this landscape?
a) running water
b) moving ice
c) prevailing wind
d) mass movement
Which process describes the downward sliding of the rock material?
a) tidal changes
b) glacial erosion
c) mass movement
d) lava flow
Unsorted, angular, rough-surfaced cobbles and boulders are found at the base of a cliff. What most likely transported these cobbles and boulders?
a) running water
b) wind
c) gravity
d) ocean currents
A landslide is an example of
a) river deposition
b) glacial scouring
c) mass movement
d) chemical weathering
The downhill movement of mountain glaciers such as the one shown in the diagram is primarily caused by
a) evaporation of ice directly from the glacier
b) snow blowing across the top of the glacier
c) the force of gravity pulling on the glacier
d) water flowing over the glacier
What was the primary force that caused this landslide?
a) gravity
b) moving ice
c) prevailing winds
d) stream discharge
The primary force responsible for the flow of water in this stream is
a) solar energy
b) magnetic fields
c) wind
d) gravity
For which movement of earth materials is gravity not the main force?
a) sediments flowing in a river
b) boulders carried by a glacier
c) snow tumbling in an avalanche
d) moisture evaporating from an ocean
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