Types And Rate Of Change Question Preview (ID: 56719)
Use Your Knowledge Of Earth Science To Answer All Questions In The Data Set. You Will Need Your Earth Science Reference Tables And A Calculator To Answer Some Of The Questions. Good Luck.
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What was the time of the next high tide?
a) 8:12 p.m.
b) 8:30 p.m.
c) 8:38 p.m.
d) 9:04 p.m.
The average rate of temperature change, in Fahrenheit degrees per hour, between 6 a.m. and noon was

a) 6°/hr
b) 8°/hr
c) 3°/hr
d) 18°/hr
The graph shows that high tides at Boston occur approximately every

a) 3.5 hours
b) 6.0 hours
c) 12.5 hours
d) 16.0 hours
f the trends shown by the graph continue, which statement best describes the next low tide at Boston that is expected to occur on Wednesday?

a) It will occur about 3 a.m. with a 0.4-meter water level.
b) It will occur about 6 a.m. with a 0.6-meter water level.
c) It will occur about 9 p.m. with a 2.6-meter water level.
d) It will occur about 10 p.m. with a 2.8-meter water level.
The gravitational pull of Moon has the greatest influence on the water levels. If the distance between Moon and Earth were to decrease steadily for the week following the time shown on the graph, which water-level change would be expected to occur?

a) High tides would get higher and low tides would get lower.
b) High tides would get lower and low tides would get higher.
c) Both high tides and low tides would get higher
d) Both high tides and low tides would get lower.
The rising and setting of the Sun are examples of
a) noncyclic events
b) unrelated events
c) predictable changes
d) random motion
Scientists can plan to photograph a solar eclipse because most astronomical events are
a) cyclic and predictable
b) cyclic and unpredictable
c) random and predictable
d) random and unpredictable
Approximately how many hours apart were the two high tides?

a) 6 h
b) 12 h
c) 18 h
d) 24 h
Which graph most likely illustrates a cyclic change?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
If the elevation continued to increase at the same rate, what was most likely the elevation of this area in 1990?

a) 103.25 m
b) 103.50 m
c) 103.75 m
d) 104.00 m
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