Latin Roots Question Preview (ID: 56676)

Practice Latin Root Words. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The teacher used the__ to show the problem on the screen.
a) projector
b) conductor
c) portable
d) tractor

Mary felt __ when she didn’t get the job.
a) dejected
b) reduced
c) visible
d) spectacle.

A fight __ on the playground.
a) erupted
b) contradicted
c) produced
d) revised

The spray __ insects.
a) repels
b) distracts
c) dejects
d) compels

His violent actions ___ the teacher to call the police.
a) compelled
b) attracted
c) predicted
d) projected

Disagreement over minor issues ___ negotiations.
a) protracted
b) corrupted
c) destructed
d) visual

The __ wrote an interesting newspaper article about our school.
a) reporter
b) porter
c) diction
d) propeller

The facts ___ what you are telling me.
a) contradict
b) revise
c) propel
d) construct

The ___ her name on the tombstone.
a) inscribe
b) manuscript
c) obstruct
d) audible

The new roads ___ traffic jams.
a) reduced
b) produced
c) detracted
d) dejected

Our chickens ___ eggs for market.
a) produce
b) perspective
c) erupt
d) report

Tires can lose their ___ on an icy road.
a) traction
b) spectacle
c) vision
d) report

A wasp __ our class.
a) disrupted
b) retracted
c) revised
d) repelled

I __ my paper before turning it in.
a) revised
b) corrupted
c) inspector
d) attracted

The teacher’s ___ aids made the lesson more interesting.
a) visual
b) manuscript
c) transport
d) spectator

The paddle __ the canoe through the water.
a) propelled
b) inscribed
c) compelled
d) retracted

Yesterday’s parade was a ___.
a) spectacle
b) traction
c) spectator
d) perspective

The radio ___ him from his work.
a) distracted
b) attracted
c) erupted
d) reconstructed

The ___ took my bags to my room.
a) porter
b) reporter
c) vision
d) conductor

The doctor ___ his knee after the accident.
a) reconstructed
b) reduced
c) contradicted
d) obstructed

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