Global Final 4 Question Preview (ID: 56615)

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Which term is most closely associated with Hellenism under Alexander the Great?
a) cultural diffusion
b) theocracy
c) pacifism
d) natural rights

Which river is most closely associated with Hinduism?
a) Nile
b) Tigris
c) Yellow
d) Ganges

In India, for which achievement is the Gupta Golden Age best known?
a) adoption of the printing press
b) invention of the iron foot stirrup
c) use of gunpowder
d) development of the concept of zero

Historians rely on primary sources because these sources
a) are more detailed than secondary sources
b) provide eyewitness accounts of events
c) have the approval of religious authorities
d) establish rules for writing history

• Studies systems of government • Formulates public policy proposals • Analyzes election polls and results A person who specializes in these activities is called
a) an economist
b) a sociologist
c) a political scientist
d) an anthropologist

The Neolithic Revolution is seen as a turning point in human history mainly because
a) farming led to settled communities
b) people using animal skins for clothing
c) copper was first used to improve stone tools
d) cave paintings recorded the activities of nomadic groups

Which two major regions were directly connected by the Silk Road?
a) Europe and South America
b) Central America and Africa
c) Asia and Africa
d) Asia and Europe

Justinian imposes new code of law. • Completion of Hagia Sophia adds beauty to Constantinople. • Greco-Roman tradition preserved.
a) Byzantine
b) Mauryan
c) Persian
d) Ottoman

What was one effect of the expansion of Islam between 632 and 750?
a) Armed conquest was forbidden by the caliphs.
b) Cultural and commercial connections were established over a sizable region.
c) A majority of the western European population converted.
d) A single centralized authority governed an area from the Mediterranean Sea to the Indus River.

Which statement about the bubonic plague in the 14th century is most accurate?
a) Improved sanitation systems eliminated the threat of the plague.
b) Advances in medicine halted the spread of the plague.
c) Trade between Europe and Asia stopped just before the plague began.
d) The death toll from the plague led to labor shortages.

What is a major reason the Renaissance began in the Italian city-states?
a) The Rhine River provided power to Italian industries.
b) The Alps isolated these city-states from the rest of Europe.
c) The Mediterranean location of these citystates encouraged trade.
d) The favorable climate of Italy led to a reliance on agricultural products.

Which change is most closely associated with Peter the Great of Russia?
a) establishment of Moscow as the capital city
b) extension of Russia’s borders to the Northern Caucuses and Ukraine
c) westernization and modernization of the country
d) emancipation of the serfs on private estates

Which achievements are most closely associated with the Golden Age of Islamic culture?
a) mosques, medical books, and algebra
b) gunpowder, pagodas, and silk
c) aqueducts, roads, and polytheistic temples
d) columns, theory of a sun-centered universe, and democracy

One important impact of the Mongol expansion across Asia and Europe was the
a) increased authority of the Kievan princes
b) rise in trade along the Silk Roads
c) introduction of Hinduism into Chinese culture
d) maritime exploration of the Arabian seacoast

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