Global Final 2 Question Preview (ID: 56601)

Overall Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

• Use of cannons, foot soldiers, and muskets • Capture of Constantinople in 1453 • Formation of the janissaries as an effective fighting force Which empire is associated with these characteristics?
a) Austro-Hungarian
b) Spanish
c) Ottoman
d) Mughal

The Europeans referred to China as the Far East. The Chinese referred to China as the Middle Kingdom. What do these terms illustrate?
a) The names of places refer to significant physical features.
b) Most people do not understand geography.
c) The point of view of people influences geographic labels.
d) Place names sometimes commemorate important events.

In which economic system does the government make most major decisions about what to produce, how much to produce, and for whom the goods and services will be produced?
a) traditional
b) command
c) mixed
d) market

Throughout history, a basic purpose of government has been to provide
a) equal rights for all people
b) laws to maintain order
c) representation for all social classes
d) separate political and religious systems

The Neolithic Revolution is considered a turning point in global history because it led to
a) increasing migrations of people in search of food
b) increasing use of animal skins for clothing
c) a belief in a spiritual world
d) the development of civilization

The primary reason ancient peoples of the Nile River valley built levees, dikes, and reservoirs was to
a) purify sacred waters
b) create a shorter route to distant cities
c) defend against invaders
d) increase agricultural production

• Made advances in mathematics, science, and medicine • Preserved Greek and Roman learning • Influenced Spanish architecture and literature These achievements are most closely associated with the
a) Golden Age of Islam
b) Maya Empire
c) Gupta Empire
d) Tang dynasty

Which country has acted as a cultural bridge between China and Japan?
a) Philippines
b) Korea
c) Vietnam
d) Bangladesh

Which leader started the Protestant Reformation by speaking out against papal abuses and the sale of indulgences in the Ninety-five Theses?
a) John Calvin
b) John Wycliffe
c) Henry VIII
d) Martin Luther

One way in which Suleiman the Magnificent and Peter the Great are similar is that they both
a) modernized their military
b) promoted free speech
c) isolated their people from outside influences
d) reduced taxes levied on their people

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