US History End Of Year Review Question Preview (ID: 56591)

Review For End Of Year Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A necessary part of democratic government is that
a) all citizens must pay the same amount of taxes
b) legislators must not serve more than 3 terms
c) judges must be appointed and not run for re-election
d) the people have the power to vote and have a say in electing their leaders

The primary goal of the US foreign policy of containment was to
a) return to non involvement in the affairs of other countries
b) stop communism from spreading
c) gain territory in Africa and Latin America
d) overthrow existing dictatorships

During the Constitutional convention of 1787, the plans for Congress proposed by the delegates from NJ and Virginia differed mainly over the issue of
a) life terms of office or shorter terms of office
b) appointed legislatures or elected legislatures
c) equal state representation or proportionate representation (based on population)
d) power to check other branches or power to limit lawmaking

The effect of the Supreme Court in Brown vs Board of Education (1954) was to
a) make segregation in public schools illegal
b) establish separate but equal public facilities
c) give citizenship to African Americans in the US
d) give voting rights to African Americans in the US

Which strategy did African American students use when they refused to leave a 'whites only' lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina in 1960?
a) economic boycott
b) hunger strike
c) civil disobedience
d) petition drive

The basic purpose of the US Constitution was to provide a
a) framework for government
b) reason for independence
c) basis for violent revolution
d) system for establishing political parties

Judicial review is most accurately described as the power of the
a) Supreme Court to determine if laws are Constitutional or not
b) State courts to overturn decisions of the Supreme Court
c) Senate to approve all the President's appointments to federal courts
d) President to override a decision of the Supreme Court

Literacy tests and poll taxes were enacted in the South after the Reconstruction Era primarily to
a) increase the number of women voters
b) guarantee more people would vote
c) ensure everyone met property requirements
d) limit the number of African American voters

The Constitution has 3 separate branches. Choose the answer that best describes the 3 branches and their jobs accurately.
a) Legislative enforces laws, Executive interprets laws, Judicial makes the laws
b) Legislative makes the laws, Executive enforces laws, Judicial interprets the laws
c) Legislative interprets the laws, Executive makes the laws, Judicial enforces laws

The first plan for government written, it didn't work because it gave too much power to the people and not enough to the government was called
a) The Declaration of Independence
b) The Constitution
c) The Magna Carta
d) The Articles of Confederation

The idea that powers are divided between the central, state, and local governments is known as
a) federalism
b) communism
c) socialism
d) climate

Abolished slavery in the US
a) 13th amendment
b) 14th amendment
c) 15th amendment
d) 26th amendment

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